Night night, Namine! Speaking of which, I gotta go too, guys. See you all in the morning! *waves*
Yeah... My mom made me go to a psychiatrist/conselor when I was a little kid. That lady was just downright weird. In fact, I don't think she helped me with my depression and "signs of schizophrenia". I think she made them worse. And my parents.. they don't respect me trying to be unique. But that's what I've got my friends for :)
*pats on back* It's okay! We don't think you're a loser, do we guys?
I think almost anyone will know what that pain feels like. I'm kind of going through it right now. I always get used for my homework, or drawing like you had said. And it doesn't really matter what people say to me anymore, because I know that there are some people out there, like my friend Tyler, who truly accept me for the type of person I am. I personally hope that karma comes back and kicks those people in the face.
You know the bad thing about MySpace? It's very addicting. (My sister and I aren't supposed to have one, but we do.)
Yeah, I haven't seen it either.
Oh, thanks! ^^ Yeahhhh, me either.
Nyeh, mine is next week. T.T
Hey, hey! I'm good, and you guys? I thought animals couldn't have chocolate?
Macie is hoooome! Cookies and Brownies for everyone!
Oh, you're welcome! ^^ But I'll be going now. Talk to you tomorrow! *hugs both*
Yeah. It's like Hayner said. "It doesn't matter how often we see each other. What matters is how often we think of each other." or... something like that :o
Oh. I'd had one when I posted, so, yeah... I remember that song. Though, I kinda listened to it at the wrong time. *thumbs up* That's great!
O.o ...Right. Anyways, Macie's got a Muskrat, soooo... *hides in closet with Demyx*
Oh, boy. *ish tackled* I dunno, what do we do?
Blehhh. I'm uber bored. I'll probably start heading off here soon. So, if I don't talk to you later... Good night! ^^
I'm not doing much of anything except thinking about stuff. But I should be asleep... You?
Awesome! XD And here I thought I was the only one who read it!
Oh. Good night, Namine! Sleep well!
I'm adjusting to this new look. I can't remember if I ever left the closet. It's dark in my house, just the way I like it!