Yay! Macie is 500(some number)!! Go me!!! No, what video?
I can tell you it won't be Macie!
I dunno if a lot of people knew him, but kglory left. I miss him a lot. He was a really great friend.
We have a muskrat... Is it kglory?
*salutes* I will! GUYSSS! KGLORY SAYS, "Tell everyone I think they ROCK!" So, yeahh... :D You'll get used to our isanity, GodsBoy. Oh, and guys? Can Demy have a piece of pizza? He's bugging me. -.-
Oh, thanks :) And he can bet I won't forget him.
Hah, Macie has no muskrat! They ph34r her! Awez... Well, will you give kglory a hug for me and tell him I miss him uber uber lots? Please? Oh, and "Yeah. I'll see you later. :)" WAIT!!! Did we hurt kglory when he was a muskrat?!!?!?!
*raises hand* I'm Macie. (more wordays)
I was like, "WTF?!!!" Then I almost started crying because good-byes are so very sad, especially when you just lost one of your best friends :( T.T I don't want any pizza, thanks...
Yeah, kglory was a big part of our family... He kept us (in)sane! He was a good friend. *watched car burn as well* I smell burning metal. Do you smell that?
*hands Shadow Tactician flamethrower* Have a partay! Yeah, most of us knew kglory.
FLAMETHROWERS!!! Flamethrowers for everyone! *tosses throwers randomly* MUSKRATEH? *uses flamethrower and hides with Demyx*
Ack! Well, that's my cue! I'm lookaheartless, the Insane Child of our family. "Welcome to our happy flock." <--- That was meh cue!! Nopers, darksmile is our Jenova/Momma! What's wrong, KairiXRiku?
I kinda like watching it burn... But that's probably just 'cause I like teh fireeeeee. (I blame Axwel!) <--- Yes I meant to spell it that way.
Yup, pretty much :D I dun think mom would mind, do you guys? We can handle another brother! Bwahaha, nice! That thing sure lasts forever! *looks at flamethrower* I wonder what kind these things are?
lol Those sure were... I think that forgotten car is still on fire. Now that I think about it, we never put it out! O.o We act... familyish! Like a real family, but we just don't see each other. Yeah, that's it.
Huh? Oh, no! Never! I'm just going to D.C. for Spring Break -_-'''
-.-''' Ummm, Sora? It didn't go away. *bams it with giant sitar Demyx didn't let me borrow* There! What? It's still there? *gets Cid's flamethrowers* Remember these, Sorafan? Hi there, GodsBoy! Kadaj is a dude from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
That's true, seeing as I'm leaving Monday... OOOOOOH!!!! I LOVE sporks!! *huggles Demyx uber uber tight*
*tear* I never thought I would talk to you all again!