ROFL That was hilarious! Hmm... Favorite show? Anime included? But my favorite song right now is 'Six' by All That Remains.
O.o Yeah... Just a little bit. But I get it from meh mommy.
Hehe, I don't believe in reading instructions to anything! *o*
Yeah, I did that on purpose. But, I luuuurv it!! ^_^
I was wondering where that ebil thread was. Thankees! That reminded me of meh avatar! <------
Um... I never saw it, so I'll say no!! Yayness for Macieh! Hehe, hi, DPWolf!! I didn't get a dog biscuit... GOOD! *waves pathetically* Bye byez, HisNobody! :(
Nyeh! Why does everyone get on when Macie leaves? T.T
I'm off to Washington, D.C. -.-; Amd don't be nervous! I had to do the exact same thing a couple weeks ago and I did fine! You'll be awesome :D
Yeah, that's what my dad keeps telling me. But it'll be fun. I get to take lots and lots of piccyatures :D You'll do fine, Aerith! No worries!
*hugs* Heh, I leave tomorrow. It's kind of exciting, but I dun't wanna get blown up on my way there. O.o
I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack! ^_^ Yeah, I'll support you, Aerith!! But what is it for?
*spins in chair then falls out* WEEEE! My sister is coming over until he has to go to work, so I'll talk to you guys later! :)
*sighs* That song brings back memories... Sad memories, but it makes me feel better. Thanks, SoraFan!! :)
Thanks, mom :D I'll sure as heck be thinking of you guys. "Thinking of you, wherever you are." *muffled* Well, one left. I don't want to flame them 'cause one might be kglory.
Thanks, SoraFan! I'll try! :) That's what I'm saying -.-''' TRIPLE MUSKRAT!!! *hides in closet with Demyx*
Yeah, I know!!! I'm not gonna survive!
I know how you feel, Sora. I have to leave tomorrow T.T I won't be able to post on the thread for a week!! I dunno if I can even PM off that thing.
Yay, Jade's back! :D That party last night wiped me out, guys. And I know how you feel about school, Jade. *shakes fist*
O.o I gotsa get offa here, guys! See you all tomorrow! *huggles family*
Oh. Sowwy! I think we posted at the same time.