Ohhh... What if I said I found it out? Umm... YEAH!
...? I'ma steal Zexy's book and see what he does ^^ *steals it* Bwahaha!
Dude!! Christopher Robin!!! (I have a Christopher Robin doll that I've had since I was 3 ^^)
No, you don't have the ability. DANCE, WATER, DANCE!! That's how you do it ^.^ Yeah, but I had to listen to it forever when Destinee died >.>
>.>''' Not even funny. XD That was pretty funny, Demy. It's like when Karena said, "Holy crackerjacks, Batman!"
lol It was all right. Hi, khchick!! And I'm with her. Too... Lazy... Demyx will accept it for meh.
*hugs kglory* I MISSED YOU TOO!!! Hi, mom!! ^_^
*waves stupidly* Hi, guys! I'm bored.
*tackles everyone* Hi guys! I'm home!! Did you miss meh? *looks around* You mean I tackled thin air?!
*sighs* Well, guys, it's time for Macie to go. I dunno if I'll be able to post any because I have to use my PSP. So if I don't talk to you guys when I'm gone, I'm going to miss you!! :( Would someone hide Demyx for me when moosekratehs come around, please?
Awe, I sowwies you guys aren't feeling well :( One left. And Demyx didn't hide meh!
*waves stupidly* What's going on, guys? I have to leave in a half hour. O.O Yay owl!! Treeple moosekrateh!
Haaa, I've done that before. My friend made me do it. >.>
Please try to be happy, Sora. I don't want you to be so upset. But I gotta go, family! My seester wants on here, so I will hopefully talk to you all latah! But if I dun't, good night and sleep well! P.S. Macieh has a dooble moosekrateh again -.-'''
Night night, DPWolf! Sleep well! ^^ Nope, I think you're now adopted since you posted already. ^^ Oooooh, is it Macie's turn?! I'm lookaheartless, the Insane Child of our family. But you can call meh Macie if you'd like. "Welcome to our flock." P.S. Dooble moosekrateh
That's a beautiful poem, Sora. -xXAxelxRoxasXx- All you do is post! :)
MOOSEKRATEH!! (<--- My new spelling/catchphrase XD) *hides with Demyx in closet pulled out of magic pocket* *muffled again* Why is there always muskrats?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all do. He was a great friend. YEAH!!! House pwns my sock drawer!!! "Either you suck at math or you're going to die in 2 seconds. ...You suck at math." XD You have to love him.
*superdupermega le gaspeh* Sorry, Sora! But remember Hayner? And that little thing he said to Roxas? "It doesn't matter how much we see each other, it only matters how much we think about each other." So just think about him a lot, it'll make you feel better. And who knows; he might come back! Just please don't be sad, 'cause I'll start too. :( YAY!! My favorite TV show (anime): The Prince of Tennis (Non-anime): House ^_^
MOOSKRATEH!!! *hides in closet with Demyx* *muffled* Unless, of course, it's kglory. 'Cause he's not scary.