Yuppers! I heard you, mama! I promise! -SoraFan- That is very true. No one here is a Nobody, because we all acknowledge each other everyday.
No matter what, guys. We are always a family! *hugs everyone*
I may be the Insane Child, but think about this. Guys, Jade is right. Darksmile made this thread. She has full rights to do what she pleases, regardless of what anyone else thinks. I completely understand why you would close this, mom.
@.@ -SoraFan- Would you please? I'm uber confused and wanna know what's going on. :(
WAAIT! What's going on?! What did Macie miss?!
Erm... Namine`? *gets shot* X( I'm kidding. Kairi!! Macie has 2 moosekratehs... *hides with Demyx*
Evening, family!! ^,^ *le gaspeh* That was Demyx all right! In Hollow Bastion.
Teh Macie is homeeeee~! I know, you missed meh ^_^ (Just kidding.)
It's time for Macie to go, guys. *yawns* Carry me, Demy! *jumps on back* Why am I stuck with her? *asleep* Because you love meh, that's why. Night guys, I hope you all sleep well when you head that way!
*claps and hands cookie to khchick* Yuppp!! ^^ You just had to make it obvious, didn't you? Yesh, just because I lurv you so much, Demy!
"If the subject fails to respond, use agression to liberate his true disposition." ...I think that's how it goes, I haven't heard it in a while ^^
*waves* Night night, khchick! Sleep well!
Heartless? Who's that? -SoraFan- T'is Cloud, that is!
*gives cookies to SoraFan* Yupp! It was meh!! Now, wasn't that you, kglory?
Nah, not Namine or kglory... I.. dunno... a lot of us say it, it seems... Nopers, not Jade either. Her old sig had said who started it, though.
Yeah, so I'm officially an idiot >.> That one I know is from Aladdin, the original! OH! I got one!! "You don't mess with us Kadajians!!" Who was the member who originally said that quote? ;)
At least you guessed it was a car movie. -Aerith- Aladdin and The King of Thieves?? >.> I dunno I need to think of one...
*nods* She's right. Especially those ones that give me the jacket so that I can hug mehself ^.^
Ah, man, I thought I had it for sure! *snaps* I think that Mel said that in the movie, though. -SoraFan- Close, but it was actually something Dane Cook had said. *hands cookies anyway for guessing* ^^ Bye, HisNobody!!
OHHH!!! Benchwarmers!! I thought I knew it from somewhere!!