Aw, well thankies! ^_^ Man, I hate Xigbar so much! I was | | close to beating him, and I was just about to cure myself when I died. I was realllly angry that day, and said that I would "never finish that stupid game!" But of course, I hugged the game, forgave it, and played it within an hour. 8D Good night, the duel keyblade wielder!
*ish tackled* O.o I can tell! ^_^ It's cool, though! "I'm all hopped up on Mountain Dew!" Well that's good. I've been all right, thanks! I missed you guys like Kairi missed Sora!
Hiiiiii, guys! What's crackin'? Did we all have a fantabulous day?
*yawns* Morning, my dear family! Did we have a good St. Patrick's Day yesterday?
Yeah, I'm thinking about getting off too. I dunno. So just in case... Good night, my dear peoples! Sleep well!
Yeah... Oh, man, do I remember that thread... Well the muskrat ain't here, but just for old times' sake... *grabs Demyx and hides in closet that came out of magic pocket*
Eh, ah, well. At least I'm not talking to my wall... Well that's not a bad thing, I just.. Oh, nevermind -_-''' I'm all right, thanks! Hey, Roxasvsriku! I thought I'd just say Muskrat, but I dun think we're doing that anymore.
*runs around in circles for no reason* Hi, guys! How are we this fine, fine evening?
I have an orthodontist appointment, today. Speaking of which... Robots? Schweet! Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto!
*pops out of nowhere* Hiiiiii, guys! *huggles all*
Yay! I feel loveded! *hugs everyone* Those icky things aren't done, but I'm gonna try to quit procrastinating >.>
Hiiiii, guys! Did you miss me? :p I know I missed you guys!
Hey, guys! So, I absolutely missed you guys. *cries* I blame the P2P Peeps! ...It's their fault I can't be on here >.<
Hey, family! Ditto for me. ^_^'''' I have these icky assignments that I have to do.. BTW, that is a very good Zexy chibi, eastercat!
lol Yesh! For some odd reason, I agree with you (>^.^)>
Oh! Oh, man, I remember that one! XD
*muffled* Huh? What the... Do I even want to ask?
Tch! No! There is still one here! *hides in closet with Demyx* Well, at least one went away.
Hey, guys! Sowwy I wasn't on yesterday :o Whee! New member? Well let me be the last to introduce myself. I'm lookaheartless! You can call me that, LAH, Raine or even Macie. Pick whichever is easiest for you to remember me ^.^ Muskrat! *grabs Demyx and hides in closet* <---- Demyx is my hiding partner ^.^ *sighs* We didn't get a new member, did we? Wow, I am... not smart. *hits head*
Hi, mom! Oh, crud... Speaking of which... XD