kk i will thnx :) well this thread is pretty much dead
well but if u remem soras pink,green and blue outfits didnt had any animations either but still u could play as them...... so don tknw but may u can........ hey welcome back and nope not yet........
thnx alot Nathan :)
hm m not an expert with PC Games........ ^^" sry
hmmm dont knw i use omni convert........ an i think thts enough of spam ^^"
which platform is this game from........??
Hall of the cornerstone but the UN DMA Ven code is used in the 1000 heartless battle...........??
oh hmmm which code r u using......??
hm during when u use Reaction or normally when hes standing still.......?? well where do u use the code.......??
yea sure but flag mode is kinda big ^^" hmmm kk download omni convert since its the best converter heres the link : http://www.mediafire.com/?nzuzzgyo4io :)
woa now thts relly back :) kk wait ill get u a dump but first i need to get to tht place :P
hmm try installing Internet Download Manager and then download it cause tht works fr me :)
np :)......
Problems with Play as Ven Un DMA well whats the code u use and where do u use the code........?? hmmm yup true but they r slightely different :)
hmmmmmmmm kk then thts strange................ by fraction u mean..........??
hm frm which site do u download it kh-vids or kh2.co.uk ??
.......?? when did the english patch cm out??
npoe a tutorial for this game isnt out yet and no these games r not similiar inb any way at all so KH2 model modding is really different thn KH1s use roxas code with it :) oh really cool XD hmm yup the same thing happens to me when i use this code on Emu thought this prob was for Emu only btw wht r u usin this code in??
hm don tthink tht code has been ported yet ...............
well the play as xemnas code is just an model mod which is on the first page :)