np but it'll take some time...
hmm kk ill make it
lol yea same here ;)
oh well tht happens because the game is targeted that if u kill on eboss the battle gets over and if you killed squall hes probably a boss so yea thats y the battle ends
cool thnx i wanted those :)
hmm don tthink there is one and if there is probably gonna b its porbably gonna b rom hack or model swap
the game ID is :0001 and sorry but i couldnt understand that ^^" do u mean that the DW Roxas as partner code doesnt exsist.....??
hmm haha kk sure thing and what do you mean by axel 2nd...??
haha lol well why dont u make any playable boss codes for PAL since alot of guys at PAL thread want it XD
oh well yeah you have to add kingdom hearts 2 final mix yourself
Dual-Wield Mickey 01C957D6 00000005 21C9578C 01000000 21C957D4 001C0001 21C957DC 0A000000 51CD52A0 00000020 01CD5880 00000000 21CD4AE0 00000769 11C6CC20 0000005B 11CE0B68 0000???? ------ UWM
haha lol thats cool and what kind of ideas...??
well don tknow about the Axel dead one but the anti char one those are rom hacks most probably
yup u can do what Malik said or you can make these yourself.......
hmm wht do u mean by tht...??
same here so wht u been upto these days :)
hm kk try downloading it from here:
well actually they recoed clips directly from the TV through something most probably capture card (What Luxord said)
carry u r the best :D well hope the codes come out quick :)
yea but u need to replace soras arm with donalds which i dont knw how to do it ^^"