By UK u mean PAL....??
hmm what do u mean that Hooded Roxas code without joker code....??
hmm here : Weapon Mod: First Slot Weapon Mod: 0204C65C 000000XX Second Slot Weapon Mod: 0204C760 000000XX Third Slot Weapon Mod: 0204C864 000000XX Fourth Slot Weapon Mod(?): 0204C968 000000XX Made them jus knw with some help frm Cloud that hge gave me yesterday XD btw the digits r the same from (J region) thread
Is this an Official thread....?? cause if it is then u should proably add the Game ID and things.. so yea
yea u can......... no............. DW roxas in valors slot: G920-961R-K2GK8 0Q6V-528M-QWBM0
oh sry i didnt knw that ^^"
well the normal one which i use doesnt freeze.......
see this mayb this will help u : well if u want to use it in the story mode then i suggest activate the code when you r selecting a mission from Saix and deactivate the code when you RTC (return to the castle) so yea :)
oh hmm sry then........ nope the full party code doesnt work.
yup thats how it goes.......
sry but i dont know how to hack..(YET XD) but they dont need to be ported cause they are already ported to AR Max PAL
hmm try this one Max Stats: 22042AAC 000000FF
well yea but its only final mix exclusive since terra isnt in the game so roxas cant get terras texture so yea its kinda impossible to do it for NTSC and PAL ^^"
Guys the coed is in Raw fornmat try this and tell me that does this help or not Max Stats: 22042AAC 000000FF
hmm i dnt think so since theres no specific reason the game should freeze..........
That code is a dud it doesnt do anythin and what it means is that it gives roxas terras data like that code play as ven when roxas has terras data on him so yea i ahev already tried the code,it doesnt work............
Spoiler hmm nice you finally made the code ^^
Yup but still it would most likely suck since she wont be able to do anything new instead of jus standing there... and probably mushball mostyly all the time except standing.....
I could make one but itll take a lot of time since i jus wokeup and all so yea........... ^^"
Well jus remeber that these are in AR format not in Codebreaker format so when so Add a code in No$ remember to set it to AR format or if u have already made a code then Edit it and change its format to AR :)