I am working on recreating the science rules gif, what do you think? frame of mine (not done): [IMG] Original: [IMG]
Why is it that nearly everything that is not chicken tastes like chicken? XD (And I sowwie I ninja'd your post fang XD)
Taste like chicken did it?
XP I am really sorry for the brief chat, but I must go. I will catch you later :) Enjoy your SWTOR :)
I wish you luck :) What system are you playing on anyways?
Congrats :) I have not done anything all that intresting except play kh2 final mix and do some mental sparring lol.
cod mw? Call of duty ?? (yea, not very game savvy when it comes to games of war and guns lol)
lol Probably for the best. The basic game is about $60 from online, with extras its about $70, and if you want a complete set (must order and have...
Hey, welcome back :) Any luck with the bid?
lol I told him if he has no mind he is eather dead or on life support XD His responce is "ha ha ha no ibrains are inferior" I asked him what an...
It was an absolute blast XD We were discussing parallel and alternate universes. And dimensions. Ya know, stuff of that matter. I was going on...
Depends ont he subject and how much I care about it lol. Once I took part in over an hour long mental sparring match with Tifa L. Nobody won...
I love science :) Science and me are like homies XD I am attempting to get into a logic fight with Star lol. I am using science, and he is using...
Yup. Science in general. Look at my last few posts to Star Seeker. *cough*[IMG]*cough**cough*
Light and L were just a perfect match (in a non yaoi way). I understand that for the storyline to progress they had to kill him, but still.You...
Oh, sorry. I read it wrong lol. I don't recall that rule. I dunno, maybe I just suck at remembering. What did you think of the series? I myself...
T.T I miss L. That wasn't the last episode however. It goes on to where L is replaced by a successor N. I was having a discussion with a friend...
Oh, I have a question. You are a Death note fan, right?
lol And I was expecting you to expect that! [IMG]