Alien was one of my cult childhood movie, so I was waiting Prometheus as if it was, idk, the Christ second coming or something. To say that it turned out to be disappointing would be quite an understatement. Look, I know Alien wasn' t exactly a cerebral movie, but at least it didn' t rape science, plot cohesion and logic as a whole every 30 seconds. Unless I' m just looking at it through nostalgia-tainted glasses ? Whatever ... No short comment of mine could ever depict accurately what a mess Prometheus turned out to be, so instead I' ll just go wild. Here' s hoping someone will actually read it. Coarse language ahead mateys ! Don' t trust this poster, you won' t need a big brain to watch this movie. Actually, the smaller the better. This story starts somewhere on a planet we' ll call Earth, in a distant past. It is still completely wild. An awfully unoriginal flying saucer flies all over the place, ruining the mood. It lifts off a mysteriously hooded silhouette, then flies off in a hurry. The mysterious figure dismiss his rotten fabric cape (yeah, those things know how to build flying saucers but they still hand-knit their clothes), it is a massive, milky-white skinned, hairless and muscular humanoid. Since he' s now alone he keeps stripping and merely keeps his underpants, he' s been there for five minutes and he' s already throwing a party. He grabs a tiny glass and drinks its content, but then the party takes a horrible turn, the guy visibly gets very ill. At first I thought he was suiciding because there was absolutely nothing to do on this planet (even in underpants, which says a lot), but it' s actually much more serious. What he ingested is disintegrating him, soon he starts writhing in pain, and then he falls down a nearby waterfall. Why did he do that ? Because he wants to plant DNA seeds on this planet. I' m pretty sure there are methods to do this that don' t involve ritualistic suicide, especially when you already stripped down to your underwear, but that would be smart. Don' t expect smart things in this movie. Let' s hop further in time ! The year is 2089. Emo kids aside, no one on Earth knows that every species evolved from a porcelain alien' s DNA. Somewhere on a Scottish island archaeologists are exploring a prehistoric cave. Doctor Elizabeth Shaw is leading the investigations with her more-or-less boyfriend, Holloway, who wasn' t given a first name because that' d be too much work. Most of the characters in this movie don' t have any first name either anyway. They stumble upon a fantastic rock painting. No, it doesn' t say "Gromulk has a tiny weeny flint", it depicts a humanoid pointing at five floating balls. Surely this means something for our heroes, what with them looking at it ecstatically and all. Hmmmm ... Let' s hop in time again shall we ? Three years later we are now in a starship, gliding its merry way through space : this is Prometheus, a high-end machine transporting 17 passengers, but we won' t even meet half of them. All its passengers are asleep except David, a robot with human features. He spent the last two years watching Lawrence of Arabia, playing basketball, studying ancient languages (which is very useful to curse in Aramean). Oh, he also monitored the other passengers' dreams. Don' t ask me why. That' s how he found out that Shaw, when she was a little girl, was given a life-changing advice by her daddy : "Look, religion is simple, just make shit up. No one cares what you come up with, no even me." David is lucky, he thinks this scene is extremely fascinating. Suddenly, huge rumbles shake the whole place ! Was it a collision ? An asteroid maybe ? Unless ... a rave party in the engine room ? Nay ! "We have arrived at our destination" says the computer. Really ? Is that what shook the starship ? The computer voice wasn' t enough of a warning ? Let' s just imagine there' s a huge cell phone set on silent mode stucked somewhere under the ship, that should do the trick. If you have a better explanation I' m all ears. David wakes up everyone, starting with on-board captain Meredith Vickers, who celebrates the end of the journey ... doing push-ups. Oh. Ok. By the way, we can see her do this because David is watching her through a conveniently ajar door. Witch is weird since all the doors aboard this ship are airlocks that go "Fouish" and either open or close completely. The other passengers actually remember that they haven' t eaten in two years so they go to the dining room. The menu is quite peculiar for a military and scientific mission : alcohol and cigars aplenty. Never-mind those "Caution : explosive !" panels splattered everywhere, they sure don' t dissuade Janek, the pilot, from smoking right there. Holloway tries to break the ice and introduces himself to Bubu the biologist and Gege the geologist, but Gege couldn' t care less. Holloway gets drunks and leaves, which allows his mind to skip over the glaringly weird fact that he signed for a two years space travel without knowing what he was expected to do nor who he' d go with. Meet Gege. He' s ginger, so you already know that he' s screwed. All the passengers are sitting in the conference room to watch a holographic powerpoint presentation that shows an old man talking. "Hi guys, I' m Charles Weyland. As you can see I' m old as shit but the director hired an actor in his thirties nonetheless, just so that the movie gets pricier and lousier for no pertinent reason. This whole speech is utterly useless because I' m just gonna let Holloway and Shaw explain everything. Oh wait, by the way, I' m probably dead by now, hohoho, and I wanted to tell you, for no reason, that David is a robot and that I view him a my only son. As in I don' t have any other children *wink*. Ok that' s enough, cut it out, I don' t even know why I' m in this movie." "Err ... Hi ! So here' s the deal, we are both archaeologists and we found the exact same rock painting scattered in a lot of different countries, painted by different civilizations at different dates : a humanoid pointing at 5 planets. The thing is, there is only one set of planet in the whole universe that looks that way, and such a planet set was discovered very recently, can you swallow such a coincidence ? Don' t answer that. One of these planets, Trouloulou 42, apparently has a high chance to host life-forms ! We suspect this painting is an invitation to go and meet the aliens (we named them "engineers") that made ... us ! All thanks to Mr Weyland' s money, awesome huh ?" Now wait a second, I think most of the audience has a few questions on the tip of their tongue at this point : - These engineers knew when we' d find those paintings ? They knew what their solar system would look like from Earth at that precise date ? That makes them ... what, psychics ? - We haven' t explored the whole universe yet, so how can you tell that this solar system is the only one that matches the painting ? - Why wouldn' t you send a probe first, or robots for that matter ? - Why does this movie keep failing when it hasn' t even really begun ? Thankfully one of the characters, Bubu, actually asks a pertinent question : "Now wait a minute ... you just threw three centuries of Darwinism without a shred of evidence supporting your alternative ! Evolution anyone ? No ?" But our heroic Doctor Shaw is witty and omniscient, she answers with the pinnacle of brilliant arguments : "I chose to believe." Well believe it or not, it' s enough to shut Bubu up. It shouldn' t come as a suprise since, a few minutes before that, when Weyland said that robots don' t have a soul none of the scientists thought of asking aloud what the fuck a soul is. I think I should just slap Ridley Scott, that' s what I chose to believe, amIdoingthisright ? Oh well, the presentation is now over and Vickers is hand-gesturing Holloway and Shaw to follow her. David mentions, for completely coincidental and conversational reasons, that Vickers' quarters are actually an independent autonomous ship. I don' t know about you, but I wouldn' t be happy to learn that the captain of the ship I' m on can flee whenever she wants too, it doesn' t exactly scream trust. On the way they spot a Medifuck-3000, which is an automated surgical operation device. Stick a drunken friend inside and he' ll wake up with boobs, sounds funny heh ? All the pretty girls have to wear tight molding outfits, there was a specific clause in their contracts, neat huh ? Finally, Vickers stops walking and tells them what she had in mind : "Look, your precious engineers sound all sorts of awesome, but I' m warning you, you' re forbidden to make contact with them. Yup, I know, this was the only goal of this expedition to begin with, but oh well, don' t ask me why, I' m against it for no reason at all. The last nonsense in the plot was more than a minute ago and we can' t have that in this movie." Wait wut ? What just happened ? I ... fine. In the meantime Janek lands the ship on Trouloulou 42, near a dome he spotted on the surface. That' s the moment the philharmonic orchestra choses to go wild, don' t you ever land on a planet without one. Janek argues that the night will fall in six hours, but he soon realizes that the scientists will pee everywhere if he doesn' t let them go for a walk. One of them spots a soldier readying a weapon and shouts "No firearms !" Because, you know, when you explore an alien-infested planet you just don' t want to bring firearms along. Makes perfect sense. That might explain why flame-throwers are the most common weapon on that ship : they' re clunky, heavy, could make random stuff explode, why the hell wouldn' t you want one ? Everyone jumps aboard a buggy and someone drives it towards the dome. They all have cameras in their suits so the people who stayed in the Prometheus can watch their every move. When they reach the strange structure their detectors warn them that it' s as hollow as the plot. Woo ! Gege starts throwing drones around, they begin to map the whole place with lasers (thank god they didn' t bring a cat along, it would have driven him nuts). Aboard the Prometheus a matching detailed map of the area slowly begins drawing itself. First discovery : this place isn' t tightly locked but contrary to the rest of the planet it has air. We' ll never know why, it' s just magic. All those scientists are extremely professional so they decide to just remove their helmets. That way if there are viruses around they' ll have a good chance to catch them all, Trouloulou 42' s common cold is legendary. Speaking of cold, they mentioned a while earlier that this place' s temperature is 27 bellow zero. But who cares right ? It' s not like wearing helmets could keep them warm or anything. Whatever, let' s just move on, this movie is far from being over. The team pursues its investigations until David spots something, a holographic recording device. He can tell thanks to his ancient languages knowledge. Rather than telling anyone what he found he just presses the button. The last holographic recording starts flashing through the halls. Nope, it' s not a bubbly party, it' s armored humanoids running around, apparently fleeing something. Shaw follows them and reaches a door. Turns out one of the holograms was too late and got beheaded by that door. I guess it' s a Black&Decker door. Its body is lying right where its hologram faded, Shaw' s computer readings say it' s been dead for 2000 years. Everyone is amazed to find something that awesome, except Gege and Bubu : they soiled their space suits when they saw the holograms and now they' d like to get back to the ship and take a shower. Shaw allows them to (sometimes she gives orders, we never know for sure who' s the boss in this movie, it' s sort of a Space-Brussels society). Holloway sees strange signs on the walls and asks David to translate them. Once again David just pushes a button, this time without even reading anything. Why bother. A door slides nearby and our heroes enter a strange room. There' s a fresco on the ceiling, but it fades away as soon as they enter. "Well shit, maybe we should have kept our helmets instead of breathing everywhere. We truly are a bunch of morons. But let' s not put them back, we wouldn' t want to pass an occasion to waste more evidence further on." At the center of the room stands a giant human head statue. Surprisingly, it looks just like that alien we saw at the beginning of the movie. There are dozens of weird big amphoras scattered around it, David sees them sweat. Somehow he manages to take one of those big-ass things and hide it in his back-pack without anyone noticing. After all, it' s only half his size and everyone else is too busy looking at the alien' s severed head. Janek suddenly warns everyone that a tempest is approaching, so they decide to bring the strange head back to the ship and have a closer look there. Just as she is about to enter Prometheus Shaw loses the head, so she enters the storm to get it back. Useless dramatic action scene, done. Ok, let' s finally have a look at that head in the lab. It appears it wasn' t a head, it was actually a giant helmet with a head inside, one that looks like the statue they saw moments before. It' s supposed to be 2000 years old but it looks spectacularly fresh. "Hey, let' s use that weird gadget that makes brains believe they' re not dead !" Shaw puts an ear-plug in the head, it starts saying stuff like "Hey ! Geezer, are you dead ? Hey ! You dead ? Listen ! Hey !", in a loop, with a Quebequese accent which, let' s face it, would drive any dead person insane. The head opens its eyes and starts swelling weirdly. If you ever witnessed someone listening to Celine Dion you know what I' m talking about. Shaw quickly quarantines it before it explodes. All they' re left with is a fruity engineer flan so they just collect DNA samples. In the meantime David locked himself up in an area of the ship, he' s speaking to someone, calling him "sir". Three guesses who he' s talking to. By the way, Vickers also seems to know there' s someone hidden in the ship giving secret orders. No seriously, who is it ? The suspense is killing me. He says to David that they must "pursue their investigations". Ok wait, I know who it is now. It' s Captain Obvious. David gets back to his room and retrieves his amphora from the fridge. He opens it without taking any sort of precaution, that' s for losers. Inside there are tubes filled with a black fluid, the same black goo that the alien ingested to suicide at the beginning of the movie. He puts a drop of it on his finger, then leaves his room. He comes across Holloway, he' s getting drunk again. Holloway starts speaking rudely to the poor android, blissfully forgetting that he' s speaking to his boss' son, which triggers the robot to purposely stick his black gooed finger inside Holloway' s glass. Who cares what that black stuff even is, or does for that matter, what could possibly go wrong ? In case you were wondering Gege and Bubu are not on board, these two chicken hearts got lost in the dome. Yup, they have the map devices. Yup, they merely had to mindlessly run straight to get out. Yup, they can communicate with the ship. Yup, they had infinitely more time to get out than the rest of the investigation team. They got lost anyway. Deal with it. Now they have to spend the night there until the tempest is over. The tempest was supposed to scramble all their communication devices, mind you, but somehow in the end it doesn' t. They are so genuinely terrified that they decide to explore the alien ship some more. They find a pile of engineer bodies with holes everywhere, as if they were pierced by something. Lovely. Janek watches all of this from the ship, but he decides that none of it is interesting enough to report it to the archaeologists. Not even that life form that the sensors picked up for a while. He gets tired of this utterly boring bullshit and stops monitoring Bubu and Gege, he' d rather shag Vickers. Can you blame him ? Gege and Bubu decide to get back to the room that scared them the most : now that they know for sure that unidentified life-forms are around their fear is completely gone. On the ship Shaw is sharing a sweaty time with Holloway, after which she tells him the results of the engineer DNA test : its DNA is exactly the same as ours. Right. So ... why isn' t it human again ? What about the Earth' s elephants and dogs and whatnot, do they have the same DNA too ? No wait, don' t answer that, just resume the shagging, please, I' m begging you. Meanwhile Bubu and Gege have reached the giant head statue' s room. The amphoras now sweat so much that there' s black goo everywhere. Oh wait, something' s moving in the goo ! Let' s check it out shall we ? Oh huh, that' s a snake. Hissing. It' s got very large, sharp teeth. This kind of creature could easily pierce an engineer body, if you see where I' m going with this. So naturally, Bubu wriggles his finger right in front of it while going "Kitty kitty kitty !" I' m not even kidding. He literally does just that. The snake suddenly wraps itself around Bubu' s arm and snaps it like a twig. Gege cuts the creature in half with his knife but the wound sprays acid on his helmet. Dear Lord, he was actually wearing his helmet ? Yeah, but it won' t save him anyway. He quickly falls in the black goo poodle, inert. The snake regenerates, sneaks its way into Bubu' s suit without wasting time with any silly preliminary, penetrates his mouth and kills him. Duh. Why was that creature able to safely bathe in a DNA decomposing poodle ? How did it regenerate ? You ask an awful lot of questions, you know that ? Get stuffed ! The following morning everyone on board Prometheus is chirpy as a bird. Except Holloway. For a fleeting moment he thought he saw a black spot in his eye (I know, yuck) but when he gave it closer look it was gone. The investigation team gets ready to retrieve Bubu and Gege. Before we continue let' s meditate on a few details : - No one noticed that Bubu and Gege were already dead, despite their camera and cardiac-monitor feedbacks. - Their death didn' t trigger any alarm. Nor raised a single bleep really. So there, rest assured, no one in the cast grew a brain overnight. Don' t trust this picture, Scott wrote the whole script wearing mittens. Once again David gets on his own merry way and no one gives a fuck about it. How refreshing. He opens up a new door and finds a room filled with sarcophagi. There' s also a big chair with a control board designed by Toys R Us. He reads what' s written there and starts operating it. Cue another holographic recording. Still no bubbly party, this is awfully disappointing. He watches engineers holograms entering the sarcophagi (one of them is still alive). There' s a map showing the way to Earth in the middle of the room. David then teleports to rejoin the rest of the team, who' s on the other side of the dome. Yes, apparently he can do that. In the amphoras room Shaw&Co have two problems : Holloway is sick, his face is turning black and he drops pieces of himself everywhere. No really, he' s not feeling peachy. Meanwhile a woman discovers the snake hidden in Bubu' s body. The creature attacks her which makes her ... vanish from the movie. The script says that she' s called Imora and that she' s not dead, but she won' t appear on screen ever again. "But ... but I' m still alive !" "Look little lady, we' re shooting a 130 million dollar Hollywoodian blockbuster here. This is serious business. Now scram !" Everyone panics, they drive Holloway back to Prometheus. Janek is fishing somewhere so Vickers is the one opening the ship' s entrance door. She carries a flame-thrower. She doesn' t want to bring Holloway to the quarantine quarters, despite Shaw' s pleas, because otherwise the movie would start making sense. For all she knows everyone might be infected but Holloway is the only potential threat on her radar. Holloway knows that he' s screwed either way so he begs Vickers to switch her bbq mode on. Poor Shaw looses consciousness watching him fry, the rest of the cast doesn' t give a damn and won' t ever mention it again. When Shaw wakes up she' s in the infirmary, David tells her she' s pregnant. "Well shit, how the ... I thought I was sterile ! Did Holloway' s disease grant him magic bollocks ?" Apparently yes, since her scans look as if she was three months into her pregnancy, and her baby isn' t human. David' s bedside manners are just as amazing as his ability to estimate an unidentified life-form gestational maturity equivalent. Curiously, Shaw doesn' t want to keep it, but David injects her with pain killers and she fells asleep again. When she wakes up again two guards are watching over her. She slams past them and, thanks to the inner appalling magic of this movie, we won' t ever see them again. Poof. Gone. She remembers the Medifuck-3000 and runs there to program her surprise abortion. "This system is configured for male patients only", answers the machine, a tad sexist, forgetting to add "Given how pricey I am I could probably do it anyway but, well, this movie needs a gore scene." Shaw changes her plan on the fly and types "Yes ok I' m a male, shut the fuck up. Lower abdominal wound, remove foreign body." As long as you' re male the Medifuck-3000 is the shizz. Isn' t she afraid that a male-configured machine might remove her ovaries in the same sweep ? No time to think, her belly' s already swelling disturbingly. The machine doesn' t inject pain-killers, so Shaw does so herself while the machine is cutting her open. She must have grown accustomed to the stuff because this time around she takes a triple dose without loosing consciousness. The machine then proceeds to remove the foreign body with a pincer, the same kind of pincer you' d use to fish for plushes in fun fairs. Thank god she wasn' t trying to remove a tiny bullet. "Congratulations, it' s an octopus ! The Medifuck-3000 wishes you a fantastic recovery !" Elizabeth is a little befuddled, none of the names she could come up with are fitting for an octopus. The machine suddenly starts stitching her belly, which brings her mind back to more urgent matters. She orders the machine to sterilize the octopus and leaves the room without looking back. She walks along the corridors in pain, and ... she stumbles upon the mysterious passenger, the one giving orders in secret : it is Charles Weyland, the guy who organized the whole mission ! Oh my ! What a surprise ! No come on, who isn' t surprised ? When he finally notices junkie-Shaw, Weyland decides to tell her the truth : the real mission was to find an engineer willing to prolong Weyland' s life, this journey is his last chance to elude death. By the way, Meredith Vickers is actually his daughter, but no one cares about that. Shaw underlines how stupid his plan is, not because he could have stayed on Earth and sent a bunch of obedient androids, instead of going there himself with ignorant, fragile humans, not even aware of what their mission is about, but because all the engineers are dead. Yes, it' s along the same lines as a Stargate script, a little walk out there was enough for her to draw conclusions about the entire planet. We' ve got a quality scientist right here, don' t let her leave. Meanwhile something strange is happening near the ship' s main door : Gege, who was dead last time I checked, is standing right outside. No one bothers to check his vitals or ask a superior what to do or anything, they just open the door. Two random guys inspect his contorted body, not even wondering how it got here. Turns out Gege is now a zombie and is after their tasty brains. This movie has now officially sunk under rock-bottom creativity levels. Who knows, maybe Janek did check up what his monitors displayed once in a while, maybe Gege is a actually a smart zombie and turned off all his equipment to travel unnoticed ? Meet Zombie Wal ... Zombie Gege. The crew members that were around the gate at the time used everything they had to stop it : flame throwers, stunning guns (which failed to actually stun anyone in this movie, more of that later on) ... Gege finally died for good, rolled over by a car, with a few added napalm shots for good measure. Or did he ? Another thing in this movie no one deemed important enough to report, add it to the list. Back to Weyland, Shaw and Vickers, David informs them that an engineer is still alive. They all decide to go meet him, including Shaw because she has tons of über-important questions to ask it, like where the hell did it buy such huge underwear. Once there, David opens the sarcophagus while he explains everything : this whole place is actually one of the engineers' weapon (the black goo) factory, but it somehow bite their own ass. How ? We' ll never know, the director assumed that no one cared about the meat and bone of this story. The engineers ended up stranded in that room, which is the room used to pilot the ship. They entered a stasis to wait for the time to complete their mission, which is to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Ok Saddam but then : - Why did they enter a stasis (that turned out to be so fucking long that it was deadly), waiting for us to come, instead of driving their ship to Earth right away and be done with it ? - Why did they repeatedly give us secret maps of the secret weapon factory meant to wipe us out ? - By the way, how did they know we' d somehow manage to find their tiny buried factory on such a huge planet ? Answers : none. So, David opens up the sarcophagus containing the only living engineer in the room. The giant humanoid wakes up, rises, and stares at the humans. Shaw begs it to explain what' s the meaning of life (yeah, right on sweetie), while David translates Weyland' s plea into engineer language (he never heard it, but he speaks it somehow). The engineer thinks for a while and then ... proceeds to beat the shit out of everyone in the room ! Alrighty ! I' m with you dude, they all got it coming. Some humans try to stun it, aiming at its foot or at the roof, but it doesn' t even remotely begin to phase it. It grabs David, rips his head off and drops it on the ground. Elizabeth Shaw, having both a first name and a last name, flees and survives. She runs towards Prometheus. Once it is done wiping the whole room red the engineer realizes it would be neat to complete its mission, it sits on the pilot chair and starts pushing buttons. Shaw, who' s still running outside, sees the whole ground under her feet open up to let the engineer' s ship through. She calls Prometheus and tells Janek what' s happening. Janek ponders the situation for a while. Sure, he could stick to shagging Vickers and not give a damn, but on the other hand he' s a black man in an American movie, he' s got a mustache, and he' s neither Will Smith nor a police captain, so he knows what his role is in that story. Here' s his plan : - Eject Vickers' quarters. - Eject Vickers (she could just go to her quarters but no, not enough drama). No one cares about the rest of the passengers. - Smash Prometheus against the engineer' s ship and activate its ion-popopop-woosh-woosh engine to blow it up. Vickers doesn' t like that plan, but Janek leaves her no choice. Who could have guessed that Vickers' special quarters/spare ship would end up being used as a spare ship ? Everything goes as planned, but instead of exploding the engineer' s ship crashes, freezes in a momentary equilibrium, then starts rolling over. Guess who' s right in its trajectory ? Yes ! We' ve got a winner ! Both Shaw and Vickers are right there ! They both start running wildly, while making damn sure to remain on the ship' s trajectory. Vickers is an over-trained military in top shape, Shaw is but a wimpy scientist with a freshly stitched belly, yet Shaw is the one who jumps her way out of this as swiftly as a ninja. Voila voila. She gets back on her feet and walks towards Vickers' ship. We saw it land gracefully two minutes ago but ... somehow now it is destroyed beyond repair. Right. Hearing weird noises, Shaws grabs an axe that was lying there and quickly finds out they come from the Medifuck-3000 room. She has seen many lame B movies so she sticks her head against the door window. A huge tentacle appears on the other side, which makes her wimp away. She saw enough hentai back in her days to know where this is going. I suppose this alien octopus can convert thin air into grease since it is now ginormous. David calls Shaw on her phone and warns her that the engineer is on its way to find her and kill her. How the engineer made its way towards Shaw without any space suit, on a planet devoid of atmosphere, no one knows. Shaw is tired of all this bullshit, she just unleashes the octopus on the engineer and flees. The octopus grabs the engineer, sticks a tube in its mouth and locks him up for good. Shaw' s phone rings again, it' s David. "Elizabeth ? Look, I know we' ve had our differences, especially when I randomly pushed buttons around, kept everything I found to myself for no plausible reason (which even got in the way of my own mission now that I think about it), lethally poisoned your boyfriend just for the fun of it but ... oh, and that time I tried to make you birth an alien that would have shredded you to pieces ! Remember ? That was the good ol' days !" "Look, whatever you have to say just say it, my only options right now are trusting a talking robot head or a joining a weird party with two aliens, which would technically qualify as incest." "I think I found how to pilot these engineer ships. If you ask nicely I can bring us both back to Earth. Not necessarily with the one that crashed mind you, I also found out that there are many other ships around here." "You mean this planet actually has several weapon factories/ships ?" "Yup !" "And ... you found their location wile just being a head lying on the floor, unable to move at all ?" "I ... do you want me to end this movie or should I make shit up to satisfy your curiosity ?" "I' m coming." But when she rejoins David and picks his head up Shaw refuses to get back to Earth, she asks him to lead her to the engineers' home planet instead. "These creatures created us, they decided to wipe us out, but then they changed their minds. I must know why." Of course she could just get back to Earth first, warn everyone and actually prepare herself for such a dangerous trip but ... I want to end this movie with the stupidest decision ever made by any of its characters. Elizabeth records a warning audio message, asks David to program the stranded ship computers to broadcast it in a loop, then they both leave the planet. The End. No wait, there' s still a shot of the engineer, the one strangled by the octopus. He' s birthing an actual Alien. Sort of. It looks like a kid with a dolphin-shaped blue helmet. Oh well ... The End.
Trololol. Well, either that or 42. It' s not about what you eat, it' s about who you eat with. Bread.
You won' t have all the money you need. Ever. Enjoy that CP extra, it' s not gonna last.
I' m fairly certain I wanted it to be said by Adam West.
Sock ! Poow ! Zok ! Spoiler [video=youtube;ymfkba-8J_w][/video]
That' s weird, when I try to get information about her parents all the sources that happen to mention more than a blurry "her parents divorced and fled" mention that her father is still very much part of the picture and does give money to his children. I also found some interesting counter-points to the initial sad story that was mindlessly copypasted to the letter all over the web : Believe it or not I' m kicking myself in the butt right now for picking a side as soon as the news emerged. I should have known better than to swallow this kind of thing at face value. Oh well, let this be a reminder that I should always keep a healthy dose of skepticism.
We haven' t even heard their side of the story. Burning in hell seems a tad overkill. Who' s the bad judge now ?
"They didn't know it was impossible so they did it" ~ Mark Twain
??? I' m not following, what' s the diff ? I thought it merely affected the strength/endurance/slots cap and the secret movie requirements ?
Nope, but I think one of them may know you. [video=youtube;7c8YIhF-Xsk][/video]
I mainly watched the movies, Magneto and Heath Ledger' s Joker are my favorites too. Otherwise, although it' s not a comic per say and the movie was so-so, I liked the final scene in Unbreakable in which the villain reveals himself. Spoiler [video=youtube;Tmzbosye2-Y][/video]
... It' s as old as the show. I didn' t pull a random picture just to humor you, the hero actually leaped into a monkey.
Oh boy, you don' t know the half of it ...
Isn' t the doctor' s perception both linear and subjective though ? Maybe all one truly needs is a quantum leap of faith ... [video=youtube;DjK9GJMBpt0][/video]
All hail the YouTube god ! Spoiler [video=youtube;dahCymqDlxo][/video]
Source : Did someone read this news elsewhere ? This source is not exactly reliable, and the only other source I found is in German (which I don' t speak a word of). I wouldn' t be surprised if that' s true. Hell, I wouldn' t even be surprised if people fell for it, monochrome paintings have been sold for even more money than that. As a consumer I' m not sure I like the road where it would lead the industry though, although I guess the very existence of DLC is already a half-step in that direction ...
Terra is the only character I equipped with thunder surges (4x Thunder Surge, 4x Curaga), with Ven and Aqua I only picked curagas. :3
You should give it a go if only for the lulz of it, he' s so cheap it' s hilarious. ^^
The Wii pad was ok, just as functional as it needed to be. It' s not like a pad needs to be clunky to be user-friendly. Its real plague was that most developers ignored it, even Nintendo. There' s a shitload of Wii games that could have easily implemented it yet didn' t (Metroid Prime 1&2 from the Trilogy come to mind). I fear this U pad won' t fare any better : the original tablet can do the exact same things and more, everyone has it, so why bother implementing a more limited and paying device, even if it is more user-friendly ?