Cordelia Chase actually, although all (?) the "Angel Avengers" probably said it at some point.
Tellah. "We help the helpless."
It is one of my favorite SE games. The scenario, while good, is not exactly groundbreaking, it' s basically one more chapter in Matsuno' s "The church is evil" routine, and as expected from him you' ll probably need to play the game twice to understand all its subtleties. Do not press start during the intro, even if you think you already saw the exact same movie launching itself back at the title screen : trust me, it' s not the same. Oh, btw, there is a second title screen video, it reveals background details that cannot be found in-game (just wait at the tittle screen until you' ve watched them both). Vagrant Story' s musics are, imo, on the same level as those of FF Tactics (meaning it' s Sakimoto at his best). The 3D graphics are great, for a PS1 game that is. The gameplay is the one thing that will decide whether you love or hate this game. It' s a D-RPG, you explore one big-ass town and there' s no one to talk to. All you can do is fight, just as in FFXIII, except Léa Monde' s maze is the polar opposite of FF XIII' s straight line. The combats are sort of an anti-KH : mindless button mashing will get you nowhere, at least not on your first playthrough. If you don' t bother understanding each game rule to its every obscure nuance, scanning enemies and switching your equipment and buffs accordingly you' ll end up at the game over screen quite often. In practice this means you' ll have to change your equipment at least once in every room and spend hours in workshops mixing random weapons to see if it nets you something better, which understandably can quickly get tedious for some people (especially given how long the loading times are in this game), but personally I loved it.
Well, marijuana is an effective pain killer but ... yeah ... As for food, anything you can think of that doesn' t involve chewing will do. I' d choose Gazpacho over soup since it' s summer. If you run out of ideas or can' t help craving meat then you can just throw whatever it is you want into a mixer.
Have you tried to reboot in safe mode ?
Well ... sort of ... Spoiler [video=youtube;kiGwmTeFE64][/video]
Here' s another quote for you then : "Don' t make me angry son, you wouldn' t like me when I' m angry." Now before anyone answers, nope, it' s not Bruce Banner.
Lol. Well I for one believe their statement : "Not in the near future", duh, but that doesn' t imply they' ll never do it at all. ^^
They could just get back to their old habit. Spoiler
Myopia it is then. My left eye sees clearly to almost an arm length, but my right eye only sees clearly to a hand length.
Well, it could be nature, nurture, or nature and nurture, but as far as I know we haven' t coined anything specifically related to sexual orientation in our genes so we can' t completely rule out the "nurture only" option yet. Even if we do find a "gay gene" eventually it wouldn' t necessarily mean those who have it will become gay no matter what, it could merely increase the odds and leave the key role to nurture : All I can tell is that we are genetically predisposed to feel love and sexual attraction, that is as far as I would go for now (not sure how you ruled out the possibility to be 100% heterosexual btw). Now, to get back on the subject : This is the second time I read this kind of thing on this forum, apparently school boards are broken. Whose job is it to fix them ?
Wut ?! O_o Has the gay gene been discovered ?
... Have we read the same article ? It doesn' t say that we' re predisposed to cannibalism, it says some of us are predisposed to resist one of its possible consequences, probably because cannibalism was wide-spread at some point (emphasis on probably). We are predisposed to survive, if that' s what you meant, but I doubt this attack was motivated by survival. Also, this news doesn' t say that pot is what triggered the attack (although I get where you were going with this).
The same thing happened to me years ago, I wear glasses ever since. You should consult an ophthalmologist, if you indeed need glasses/lenses then the longer you wait the quicker your eyesight will worsen (it gets worse over time even if you wear glasses, but slower). Personally I just asked my parents, they' re both opticians. ^^ Did you check out at which distance things start to get blurry ? If they' re blurrier the farther they are then you' re myopic, like me. If they' re blurrier the closer they are then you' re farsighted. Finally, when you watch a bunch of parallel lines if they appear blurrier at specific angles then you' re astigmatic, like me. These are the three main eye defects.
I don' t mind swear words one bit. My father swears a lot and I do too whenever I feel it is fitting. I wouldn' t mind my kids hearing such words because I would want them to know as many words as possible. Picking words is all about choosing the form that fits the intended substance, the circumstances and your personality, much like picking clothes. What strikes me when hearing that "Shut the fuck up" song is not its lyrics form, but its complete lack of substance (which is perfectly ok mind you, it' s not like song lyrics need to be profound or even have meaning, even though that' s a plus for me). I think Billy Connolly sums up my overall opinion on swear words pretty nicely : [video=youtube;h68CfIUkPKs][/video]
If he cannot determine it then it doesn' t matter whether they' re a product of his mind or not, the definition for the word "human" that he uses is a bunch of shared observed characteristics, nothing more. His investigations are led by practical purposes, not fruitless philosophical mental masturbation.
^ Glad you added the quotation marks to "belief", cause I don' t think you actually get to choose your beliefs. Either you found something that was evidence enough for you to be truly convinced or you didn' t. The kind of "belief" you' re talking about looks more like the Coué method. Actually that' s irrelevant : call it reality, a dream, the matrix, whatever, he' s merely studying the rules of that "dream". He doesn' t assume he' s the same type of entity as those he' s studying, that' s the conclusion the evidence he found led him to believe.
Lol, actually it' s science that is amazing, but thanks. ^^
Well, theories (scientific definition of the word) are backed up by evidence, even if they' re proven wrong later on they are close enough to the...