There are two secret bosses, they each give a keyblade (not Ultima Weapon though). Beating them once with a single character is enough to complete all three characters journals and have 100 % item and story completion, but you' ll have to beat them with all three characters if you want 100% game completion. This doesn' t unlock anything though, no special movie, no message, just both keyblades for all three characters. You can go ahead and fight the last boss right now : they don' t appear unless you' ve already beaten the game. BTW, I was speaking of the completion % displayed in the title screen menu, but if you' re just trying to unlock the secret ending (if you didn' t play in Proud or Extreme) then all you need to do is complete every characters' journal (have mickey heads displayed at every journal section, the secret bosses and their loot don' t count).
I saw this pic used as a "seems legit" demotivator. Incidentally Sega just officially announced a Sonic/Hello Kitty plushy mash-up. No really, they approved that ... thing ... and there' s more to come : http://andriasang.com/con1va/sega_sanrio_hello_kitty/
Ah, "soul", I don' t like that word lol, it' s got an even blurrier definition than the word ghost (and hasn' t ever been evidenced to exist either). ^^ There were zombies in the bible but I don' t remember any ghost. I think some Christians are uncomfortable with this notion, but I really can' t say whether the bible is compatible with it or not. This reminds me a movie called The Others, you should watch it if you haven' t already (just don' t watch the trailer, the less you know about it the better).
Saïx equipped with Zero Gear, Sight Units and a Critical Sun (and Ultima Weapon if you have it), and a few Thundagas to deal with the Neoshadows if they blind you. Even if you aren' t lucky and don' t get many critical hits he remains one of the quickest characters in this mission, but if you are lucky this fight gets ridiculously short. I tried it 2 minutes ago, I' m lv100, I just kept hitting A mindlessly and it took me 8 combos to beat him, he barely had the time to interrupt me once. I' m pretty sure Saïx with critical-oriented equipment is the quickest fighter in this mission, however I never bothered to try any magic-oriented character/equipment. Also, in case your goal is to grind as quickly as possible, you might want to try to play this mission with Roxas in story mode (same equipment, keep doing his 2 hit aerial combo) because in story mode although Riku has more HP the Neoshadows are killed in a single hit (versus two combos each with Saïx in mission mode). I tried both and it took me less time with Roxas in story mode than with Saïx in mission mode, you might want to compare yourself to see how it goes with your level and play-style.
I could say the same things for gods, but how many people believe in a claim has absolutely no bearing on its validity. You' re right, it' s not a coincidence : death is shared by all cultures (and btw so are perception flaws, hallucinations, susceptibility to suggestion, and the desire to believe in an emotionally comfortable answer without a shred of evidence or in spite of it), it doesn' t take being a genius or having a specific culture to realize that death begs a simple alternative : is there some form of afterlife or not ?
Partners in time also comes to mind, but I don' t think the game ever says how many years separate the past and present events. [video=youtube;8wOtIjKB1Lo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wOtIjKB1Lo[/video] Why do people assume he' s much older than her ? Is it the mustache ? The pink overdose ?
I believe this is the third ghost related thread that I see in the discussion zone, it seems to be quite a popular topic. Rather than repeating myself I' ll just answer the specific question asked in the title : nope, I don' t believe in them. Even if I was to see a transparent person supposed to be dead I wouldn' t. I mean, what the hell is a ghost exactly ? What are its definition and physical properties ? How can I evidence that it was indeed a "ghost", whatever a ghost is, rather than one of the many other conceivable explanations (it was a fluke of my brain, an alien using a mind-control device on me, a hoax, a bug in the matrix, Super Masked Cucumber' s latest secret outfit, etc etc ...). When I witness weird things if I can' t evidence the validity of any explanation in any way then the only thing I' ll believe is that I don' t have the beginning of an explanation, and even though I can' t be certain of anything I' m inclined to think the most rational explanation is the most likely to be true.
---------- You have the Play Your Cards Right pin, too. I figured as much... Which game? ---------- I met the requirements for that pin both in...
---------- Impressive... Never thought people actually did stuff like this. ---------- Lol, you' d be amazed ! ^^ There' s all kind of challenge...
I saw that picture before I even played the game so it wasn' t a shocker for me. As soon as I saw it in-game I wanted to bring Eileen there to see her reaction, which was disappointing. The first time I saw SH4 a friend of mine was playing it on his PC. His reaction when he saw a Twin Victim for the first time was just hilarious (pure panic, in-game and irl). ^^ Spoiler
Dark Matters had an episode about the AC/DC war. They left Tesla completely out of the picture, focusing solely on Edison, but it' s interesting nonetheless. They mentioned this dogs and cats thing, there' s more to the story : [video=youtube;2IQOObVGZPc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IQOObVGZPc[/video] They focused another episode on Tesla though : [video=youtube;HQuefMOw8_o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQuefMOw8_o[/video]
I' ve got a save file right at the beginning of the game : Vaan is still alone, and I fought so many dinosaurs and malboros that he' s level 60 and almost completed his license grid. I didn' t know the phoenix down trick back then, but what' s the fun in grinding that way. Anyway, when the other characters join Vaan they have as much exp and pp as him. Combined with what you said (which by that point barely improves my strength) I can skim through the game and just watch the cutscenes, which is why I did it to begin with. I don' t understand why the hell SE doesn' t implement a theater and a new game plus in all their RPG by now, it' s neither complicated nor time-consuming to implement. Maybe FF XII complicated plot would be less criticized if players could watch the whole "movie" without the lengthy in-betweens they don' t want to go through ever again.
I meant time spells. I just checked my PSP FFIV version, haste reflect and stop are single target, float slow sleep and meteor are multi-target. Multi-target haste and haste 2 are what made Time Mages shine in FFT, at least for me.
On the other hand in FFT they can use the same spell on up to five targets at the same time (if memory serves in FFIV time spells were all single target spells), and they have a short casting time, which makes Time Mages one of the most annoying enemy to fight/useful job to learn. The hero has an even better ability though : he can increase any single target' s speed stat by one. It can be done as many times as you wish (up to the 99 max) and doesn' t fade until the end of the fight. In practice this is very useful to grind quickly and/or boost the hero in the first few turns (especially when he fights alone). It is a Squire ability, but he' s the only Squire who has it. He also has a bunch of unique squire spells, like Ultima, I think he' s actually a Squire Mage. ^^ In FFTA2 all the mages are utterly useless (they start with 0 MP and their MP fill slowly over time, so they have to wait many turns to be able to cast any spell but by that time the fight is usually almost over). It looks like SE has a hard time finding a middle ground between overkill and useless in tactics games (I haven' t played Tactics Ogre LUCT yet).
---------- I think it is time for me to bring back one of my old avatars. What is a Blue Mage? I don't remember them. ---------- You had a mage...
Agent.T is a Mystic Knight, Léon is a Ninja, Makaze is a Red Mage and I' m a Blue Mage. I' m not sure our cohesion as a team will be stellar, but with those jobs we should make this game our ***** anyway.
You don' t want to increase the framerate, it would only make the game even slower. What you actually want to do is increase the frameskip. I never used that emulator, but it shouldn' t be difficult for you to find a frameskip option on your own, most emulators I know have one (somewhere in the menus, just open them all one after the other).