I see. Welp, see you at the Rapture.
Clarify something for me. Do you want all optimists to kill themselves, or is it just me?
I am not into comics, but I have accumulated some of them nonetheless. I own: Doctor Who #9 from the IDW series. Particularly notable because it's a special edition of it of which only 2,000 copies were made. All three comics from the comic adaptation of Star Wars Episode I. The first volume is notable because it has two covers. Apparently there was a mistake in the part of the machine that staples all the pages together. I'm positive that it will be worth millions of cents one day. All of the Bionicle comics, though they're not organized at all and the very first ones are in pretty bad condition. Some Star Wars comic starring Luke Skywalker during his time as an apprentice to a clone of Emperor Palpatine. I have not seen it in years, but I'm positive that it's somewhere in my house. Another Star Wars one featuring Boba Fett. I do not remember which one. The Walking Dead: Volume 1. I bought it for my parents as a souvenir from a con because they're into the show, but it's probably still mine because they haven't touched it in half a year.
I spent ten hours getting paid to fondle women's underwear. On the bright side, I managed to ask a girl out and got a maybe but leaning toward yes. Not just one of those pansy, "Hey, wanna hang out outside of work something," ones that I usually do. No, an actual, "Hey, would you go out with me some time?" with all the proper date stuff that never happens anymore like bringing flowers to her door implied in it.
Thank you Papa What?. I feel much sleepier now. [YAWWWN]
That's still no excuse for not having Autocorrect turned off.
Why can't people just turn off autocorrect and reread their messages by themselves? You're not writing a novel! Are the four seconds it takes to reread your message that important?
This man is a liar. Adulthood is horrible. The only exception is when it's kind of okay.
That depends. Is wanting the same as having?
Papa What? is my daddy. Who are you? Papa What? says I shouldn't talk to strangers.
You're confusing hikikomori with NEET. A hikikomori is a shut-in who feels compelled to stay inside, often because of some sort of fear or trauma regarding the outside. It's a pretty serious psychological condition that generally requires more treatment than just going to the movies.
I watched that first episode and I didn't have any problems. Maybe it's your computer?
NO NO NO! You're supposed to go: To which I would then reply with:
your face times ten
Will you read me a bedtime story?
This is mine.