I love you...so much. :'/
Tila Tequila?
Throw the jar of dirt at a woman on her period, then light her on fire with the twig and the leaf. Giant Flaming Angry Bear Monster ready to conquer the world. Hey you. Go kill yourself. You're cancer.
I certainly hope there's a season 2.
Hey friend... :B
Who? :T
Good. :'|
That's not enough.
How many of you bastards are fans?
Nice sig it's really hot like that one I gave you and stuff.
S'alright. It's probably better I get it after christmas anyway.
I don't get it.
Stole an avy. As for the actual stuff, the avies are the only things I like. The first sig seems so mediocre in comparison to the work you used to do. The overall lack of color coupled with the monotonous sloppy affects make it look amatuer.The second has a nice concept and certain parts were made well, such as the clouds and the sky int he background, but the text is bad for the sig and it seems a bit empty. I'd suggest working more on this one by maybe adding a few more clouds and such, blur the rainbow as well as the sun, the vector doesn't go very well with the rest of the tag. The Albus sig also need a bit of work, it'd be great without the liquified affect on the far left, it disrupts the flow made by the rest of the tag. I've never been a fan of this style however, so my opinion is probably rather biased. 3rd tag - Needs something solid 4th sig - Same problem really, get rid of the clipping mask beneath the text. Nothing wrong with the avy's.
And page 10 is where all threads die. Let it die. D:
...I'll cut your throat.
Eh, the Coloring version is better.
Just on my way to page 10
Well if you're in the Army I can see why there's a dress code. As sad as it sounds, it's a proven fact that a uniform brings people together. Unification through common attributes such as clothing creates a bond between everyone involved, which is important in a military situation. I'm sure you realize the importance of having to trust your allies and know you're all fighting for the same goal, or that you're all part of something bigger. Yeah, dress codes are meant to bring about conformance, but in some circumstances conforming is important. In a normal school setting however, where students should have individuality encouraged, uniforms do nothing but stunt intellectual and cultural growth.