Intelligence is a subjective attribute. To save myself from sounding arrogant I will just say everyone is ****ing ******ed rather then "Herp derp I'm smaeiourt" This one, correct?
Hey, he's a Dictator, not an *******. :T
Post here if you're into this trend in a sexually unhealthy way.
There we go. =D
Edit: Fuck the fucking censors you fucking cuntfucks.
ITT: Conservative Republicans
Hax. :T
It's really more of a "can't beat 'em, join 'em" situation. That's the way it always is.
I'm too ancient to remember much of the good old days before noobs like Ghetto appeared.
You clever bastard..
Gay chicken! GO!
It'sa tarp. :T
Damn. Straight.
It pleases the Joker.
You were probably asking for it, then.
Damn straight.
I'm basically the oldest member on the site, almost 3 years now. So I can pretty strongly suggest you all go find a cell, and fuck off in a corner.
He's pulling this out of his ass.
The blurred background adds to it, trust me. It increases the depth so much that it makes it really an amazing piece, most artists either don't have the talent or the nerve to blur most of their background and have it still look good. The fact that there's still detail in it, despite the unsharpened finish, adds to it as well, it really brings out Tifa as the focus. Really nice stuff you have there, man.