Can I get to know Nobody's Shadow? o:
Man, that's like the 10th time someone made a thread about that video o: Yay for repetiveness :D
I was looking at that thread just yesterday lol.
This game looks pretty awesome, but I'll probably just rent it. I wont buy it untill they have like a Burst Limit 3 with all the sagas and characters and such. If they have one that is.
Well there hasnt been any incidents for the long time that this tradition has been around. Babies dont have enough motor skills to move in a way that would put them in a bad position, so they'll always land safely. You'd probably be struck by lightning before a baby dies from that fall.
^ Im with this hot lady ^
Awesome, a PS1 game that I'll finally consider buying. And im with Libregkd in hoping that Suikoden II makes it here.
Well I thought we did, but I dont see it anymore. I guess they took it away when we got the new skin.
$20 dollars and whatever is left on my gamestop card.
People have tried to do that before. But this site is just full of kids that have school and such and cant be to committed to it. We already have an annual award ceremony that takes place in september I believe. That might be a good idea. But similar threads doesnt mean they are the same. I.E. Favorite KH character & Favorite KHII character. Smimlar but not the same, see? We have a whole section dedicated to news. And the front page is always updated. The RP section is pretty split up as it is. Anything more would just be overdoing it.
The poop.
Fat girl says wut? >:3
I remember getting his advertisment PM before <_> As long as you dont do it again though its okay. Shouldnt this be moved though?
I always hated you for that D< .....5'8'' ;~;
I want a stalker 8D. Always fun to throw rocks at someone :3
I am also bummed about it.
lol, I didnt even notice.
There is no capital C in my name D:
Yes, yes you did waste your life. And misspelled my name.
Im not hungry D: