Pfft, she lost like 50 billion to 1.
The thing is....... She has something to tell you all.
Then there'd be more spelling errors and pictures of Fortress in there D:
Shut your oreo hole D:
Kitty has a secret admirer? :3 Kitty totally derserves this anyways. She is awesome after all. And shut your mouth Tootz D:
Virgo Modest and shy Meticulous and reliable Practical and diligent Intelligent and analytical On the dark side.... Fussy and a worrier Overcritical and harsh Perfectionist and conservative LIKES Health foods Lists Hygiene Order Wholesomeness DISLIKES Hazards to health Anything sordid Sloppy workers Squalor Being uncertain
o_o Quite right.
My member number is the same as my age =]
And she once again avoids the camera. Do you look like chuckie or something? :3 Sweet bag. And it helps people to remember to save the planet. Natz is so grand :'D
*wants your shirt* x3. Nice pic though. Where were you?
Well there's already enough Favorite threads as it is. If you want another thats somehow not made already, then just make a thread. If we keep making new areas for little things, then we wont have any use for an anything else section anymore. Plus, things like Favorite game and Favorite kh member and stuff would be better left in their respective sections.
Gray. And no, I do not have cataracts D:
The one thats on me now~
Kinda reminds you of your life, doesnt it?
Bobobo does have a plot, its just a ****** one. Big difference.
HB got fatter o: