That stinks. Go see it without her; make your mom take you or somethin'. Then see it again with your friend; just don't tell her you already saw...
I figured. xD I'm tired... ;-;
Jacob quote! 8d
Wanna Know You ~ Manafest
Well, he is a funny guy. xD I agree with that. ...can I quote that? Sorry, I think it's awesome. The whole 'best friends boyfriend/girlfriend...
Ooo, LG Shine. Those are nice. 8D Well, I helped Mark get revenge on someone in the class. That person gave Mark a shoe wedgie and Mark wanted to...
Same reason why I sort of want to go see it. xDD Well, if you already have a Sprint or Nextel plan (which I do) you can get it for $129 which is...
I sort of want to see that. xD Samsung Instinct. It's so cool. *o* No. xD