71 posts! GO GO GO!
Xaale is right; it is him. I saw him as well.
Guilty Pleasure ~ Cobra Starship Now I know why so many of friends are obsessed with it. xDD
Leave Out All the Rest ~ Linkin Park
Caught Myself ~ Paramore
Pretty cool.
I'm booored.
...my grandma thinks it's stupid to get a Team Jacob shirt...so she's probably not going to let me go shopping with my friends on Saturday and she...
Not right now...maybe in a little bit.
Uh...no. xD
Oh, okay.fillerz
I'm all right.
Hello. How are you?
No, because they weren't able to accept or deny Christ; they were too young to understand the concept.
Ah, that stinks. I hope they have the shirt in my size. ._.
My friend and I are getting the Team Jacob shirts on Saturday. 8D So do I.
I'm debating. I mean, with the 73, I have a 91 average. That's not including all of the homeworks and projects we had to do. It was neither. And...
Well, I was one out of five who passed, so I don't have to retake it. That's awesome! ...I want a Jacob poster. D: Go to Micheal's (if there's...
xD There's a Spanish retest I can take tomorrow, but I'm debating whether to take it or not. ._. I probably will; I'll just study for it on the...