My mom ordered Ultimania for me, so when I receive it I will post pictures in this thread, but be patient! I ordered it on Wednsday as an early birthday present so it'll be here soon, but I will be sure to take pictures of the bosses and everything that will be in FM+. Also, I can read a little Japanes so I might be able to pick up some stuff!
I hated Anti-form. It just springs up automatically in the worst situations!! :I
Roxas found Axel and Demyx outside, lying flat on the ground. "Hey, what were you doing?" Demyx asked, removing the frisbee from over his eyes and looking up at Roxas. "I was, um, checking my phone." Roxas lied as he lay down next to Axel, the grass prickling at the back of his neck. "What're you guys doing? Sun worshipping?" Called a voice. Roxas looked over and saw Marluxia striding towards them, his black coat billowing behind him and his pink hair silkly as usual. He stopped and stared down at them. "I hope you three aren't allergic to grass." "Nope." Axel replied as he sat up and plucked some blades from his fiery red-hair, which was even more spikier than usual. Demyx stretched. "Do you have anything for us to do?" He asked. "No, not if you mind de-weeding my rose garden." "Are you roses prickly?" "If you mess with them, yeah." Marluxia strode off, humming. Axel followed him with Demyx and Roxas trailing behind him. "Hey, Marluxia, have you ever seen Xemnas alseep?" "No, why?" "Because I wonder what he looks like - hey, does he even SLEEP?" "Yes, of course Xemnas sleeps. He couldn't run around pulling your ears and legs if he didn't." Roxas didn't half understand what Marluxia was talking about. He looked around. Larxene was fixing the electric cable by shocking it frequently, Vexen was cleaning the windows, and Xemnas was standing out on the balcony, drinking something. Roxas waved up at him, and he waved back. "Marluxia," Axel turned and pointed at the voice, and Marluxia stopped to look. "If it isn't Mister Boss-Your-Butt-Off." Saix glared at Axel as he handed Marluxia a package. "Roxas, can you please come with me. Xemnas told me to give you fighting lessons." "Er...OK." "Aw! How come he didn't pick me?" Axel asked. "Because, you're to goofy to teach Roxas. Xemnas trusts me as a reliable teacher." "Yeah, until you cut his throat we'll see how reliable." Roxas heard Axel mutter under his breath. In a large oval shaped room, Saix positioned Roxas on the other side the room and gave him one of Axel's spare Chakrams. "I'll go easy on you today, but don't expect me to stay that way." Saix explained as he pulled out his claymore. "Ah, you're not using that thing are you?" Roxas asked. "Of course I am, it's my weapon of course." Saix looked unblinkingly at Roxas as he ran at him. Raising the claymore above his head, Roxas heard the heavyness sail through the air. Roxas jumped just as the spike edged hit the floor with a horrible, grating sound. "You're quick, but you need to learn how to defend against enemy attacks." Saix obviously was a natural at fighting; just now Saix seemed ten times more deadly than he was just rolling his eyes. Roxas sat down, but he had to stand up as the claymore whooshed past his rib cage. The sharp end caught his robe and pulled him down. "OOF!" Roxas gasped as he hit the ground. Without a warning, Saix kicked him in the back, and not just softly but a horse-like kick. Roxas yelped in pain and rolled a couple of feet before he stopped himself from rolling into a pile of Larxene's sharp ended Kunai. "Ugh..." Roxas felt sick, but just as he was about to stand up Saix caught him by his hood and flung him into the air. He kicked him again, this time so that he went higher into the air and then came slamming back down again. Roxas groaned and whipped blood off his lip. "Stop!" Roxas yelled. "Fine, are you all right?" "" Roxas replied, being honest. "I'm sorry if I beat you up a little bit to hard - did you break anything?" "No - except my pride." Roxas took ahold of Saix's hands as he pulled him up. "You're bleeding - why don't you go see Xemnas and get cleaned up?" "OK, can you walk me there though? I think I got knocked around in the head a bit to much." Saix took a hold of Roxas's arm and helped him to Xemnas's room. Xemnas was writing in a notebook, and he looked up in surprise. "Roxas - you look terrible." "I know." Roxas fell down in one of the soft chairs and closed his eyes. Maybe having Axel as his fighting teacher would have been better than Saix. "This may sting a little." Xemnas warned as he put a cloth to a small cut on Roxas's forehad. "OW! It's burning more than stinging!" he gasped, glad when Xemnas slapped a band-aid on the cut. "I have some ice-packs, so if you feel dizzy come see me. I think you should go lie down for a while, Roxas, you have a big purple bruise on you cheek. And take this." Xemnas placed a ice pack on the bruise and Roxas sighed as the throbbing on his cheek resided. Saix led him back into his room and watched as Roxas fell into his bed. "I think I'll make you some cupcakes in return for doing that." "No...don't talk about food..." Saix smiled slightly. "Sorry, just take a nap and I'll wake you up for dinner." "SURE..." Roxas fell asleep even before he'd heard Saix finish his sentence. Saix closed the door softly and left, leaving Roxas to take a deep, four-hour long nap.
I think they should of have had more forms for Sora, like a Dark form and a Ultimia form (like the Ultimia Weapon). It would have been more interesting to have more than five forms, and maybe even a form where he can wield six Keyblades at one time. That WOULD have been tight!
Never noticed, I was to busy fighting.
Guess so... But, if it was real, would the Organization attack people to get hearts or would they attack Heartless? *Ponders*.
In KH II, how come when you defeat the Heartless, you see hearts floating up into the air and not in KH? Did the game developers decide that they'd want to show the hearts being extracted from the heartless, because it WAS NOT in Kingdom Hearts. Or was it...? If it was, please tell me. It puzzles me how they switch games around.
Thanks for the suggestion. I type fast, so I really don't notice. But, I knew that anyways just didn't think it was really important, plus, I've seen worse dialogues actually, haven't you? Some people just can't type. But, thanks anyways. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Keep on reading!
Roxas followed Saix silently down the all-white corridors. Saix wasn't trying to spark up any conversation, he seemed more interested in staring ahead. "Er...Saix?" Roxas spoke up, his voice half-nervous and half-calm. "What?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at him. Roxas opened his mouth but noticed a scar on Saix's face. It was quite large and 'X' shaped. Roxas noticed Saix's expression and resumed his conversation. "Well, what's the Organization really after?" Saix turned away and didn't speak for a while. "Xemnas didn't tell you, did he?" "Tell me what?" Roxas asked. "Tell you that we're Nobodies." Saix replied, his voice quiet. "What's a Nobody?" Roxas scratched his head and lengthed his stride to keep up with Saix. "We are Nobodies. You and me. We have no hearts." Roxas gaped. "WHAT? How could we even exist without a heart?" Roxas put his hand to his chest. Saix sighed and flicked some of his hair over his shoulder like Roxas's comment was nothing. "As you continue to be with us, you'll understand." Saix got quiet after that. He must think I'm brainless,Roxas thought as he looked at the back of Saix's head. They went down another couple of steps and into a long, dark corridor. Roxas stopped. "Uh, what's down there?" he asked. Saix stopped and looked back up at him. "Roxas, hurry up. I don't have time for you to get scared. There's steps; just hang onto the railings." Saix continued walking, and his footsteps began getting softer and softer. Roxas grabbed onto the railing and ran down the steps, until BANG, he ran right into Saix. "Roxas!" he snapped and whipped around. "Sorry." Roxas gasped. He was glad it was dark; he didn't want Saix to see his flaring red cheeks. Saix sighed again and mumbled something, which probably meant, "should have never even let this goofball in,". "Xemnas, he's here." Saix and Roxas went into a room with three computers in each corner. Xemnas was sitting at one of them, his head in his hands. "Oh, good, have a seat, Roxas." Roxas sat down next to Xemnas, and Saix next to him. Oh Lord, I'm squished in between Silver-head and X-face,Roxas hoped Saix couldn't read minds, or Xemnas. "Now, Roxas," Xemnas's voice interupted Roxas's thoughts. "I want you to see something." He pressed a button on the Keyboard, and the screen darkened. Then, it showed The World That Never Was, and a silver-haired boy carrying a strange weapon was running through the streets. The screen dimmed. "He's an imposter. Axel tried to get him, but he got away. Roxas, if you see this imposter, you must alert any of the members. Understood?" Xemnas looked him directly in the eyes. Roxas nodded. "All right, now, you have free time to do whatever you like. Why don't you go and make friends?" He spoke to him like he was some little kid. "Er...Saix, are you coming?" Saix looked at him as he walked past with a black-and-white disc. "No, I'm going to update the castle's defense system. Can you manage to get back by yourself?" "Yeah, I guess." Saix sat down at one of the computers and pushed the disc into the computer's drive. Roxas watched him a little as he typed in a password, and a perfect 3-D picture of the castle appeared on the screen. "Roxas?" Saix didn't even glance at him. "Go ahead and do what you like, why don't you go and play with Axel? He's always got something going." "Ah...OK. Bye, Xemnas. Bye, Saix." Saix mumbled something, but Xemnas was generous enough to wave and smile after Roxas. Roxas luckily found his way back to the main part of the castle, where a green frizbee zoomed over his hair. "Sorry! You okay?" It was Axel and Demyx. "Yeah," "Did Saix pull your hair out?" Demyx asked, pulling locks of Roxas's hair up. "Nope! No chunky places." "Saix is actually kind of nice...well, if you don't consider his coldness." Axel laughed. "Saix? NICE? That's like saying an alligator is your pet cat. You try and mess with Saix and see what happens." Roxas shrugged. "I'm going in my room for a bit." "To do what. Put on 'Anti-Saix' spray? That'd be a very wise choice, Rox. Hey, we'll be in the garden playing tag, so come and join." "Okay." Roxas went into his room, pulled Panna out and his diary. Dear Diary, I talked to Saix a little, and he warmed up a little. But, he's still not very friendly. I didn't realize he had this big scar on his face until he looked at me. I wonder what kind of accident he was in to cause him to have that scar? Maybe I'll ask Axel and Demyx, they might know. Roxas then closed his diary to join the two to play tag...
Thank you! :D I'm glad that the story is interesting, and to hear that people are actually enjoying my works. Thanks! :D
First Day: 7:30 a.m. Dear Diary, I've just become a member of the Organization, and I'm scared slightly. This is my first day with them, and breakfast is in twenty minutes. I wonder if I'll make any new friends at all? I doubt it, everyone seems so cold. *** Roxas closed his diary and ran his fingers over the leather cover. It was about the only precious thing that he had in this place other than his cell-phone, and his favorite stuffed animal, Panna. It was a purple dog with a buttons for eyes and floppy black ears. He rubbed Panna's smooth head and then shoved up under his pillow when he heard footsteps. "Roxas," it was Xemnas, the leader of the Organization. He had been the one to encourage him to join. Roxas had no other choice, he'd felt lonely and lost as he wandered endlessly in the dark abyss. "Time for breakfast," he said, opening the door and motioning for Roxas to follow him. Roxas nodded and pulled on his leather gloves and grabbed his knee-high boots. He then followed Xemnas out into the dining room, where the rest of the members were stationed. "You may sit over there - next to Larxene." he said, pointing to an empty chair at the end of the table, where a young blonde woman sat, shaking salt onto her boiled egg. "Hi," Roxas said shyly as he grabbed a plate and some silverware and carefully picked his food. "Hello. I'm Larxene." she said, giving him a bright smile. Roxas smiled back. Larxene seemed nice. Across the table from him was a pink-haired man who was arranging some silk flowers into a vase. Roxas stared at him. He'd never seen a guy with pink hair. "Hi, you must be Roxas?" the man asked, looking back at him. Roxas blushed and nodded, averting his eyes. "I'm Marluxia." Marluxia started making introductions. "That guy over there with the red hair, his name is Axel. He's Luxord, Demyx, Saix, Vexen, Zexion, Xigbar, Xaldin, and then our leader, Xemnas." Roxas nodded. Marluxia kind of intimidated him; he was so charismatic and a bit dominating that Roxas felt like a plain green flower next to his vibrant red one. Demyx seemed goofy a little, Roxas summarized as Demyx spilled ketchup on his pant leg. "Oops." he said, wiping it off. Axel hadn't even glanced Roxas's way, he was busy staring off into space. Vexen looked like the type of person that would teach college science classes as he read his National Geographic magazine. Roxas looked at Saix for a while. He wasn't very friendly, he was actually a bit cold when he talked. And he never looked at you, he acted like he was talking to the wall. Saix noticed Roxas watching him and looked back. There wasn't even the slightest expression of 'hi' in his face. Roxas smiled a little, but it died on his face. Saix didn't return it. Roxas then stopped trying to make friends with Saix and watched the other members. Xigbar was kind of loud, he noticed as he did a 'heads-tails' game with Zexion, who was obviously causing the penny to land on tails more frequently so that he got more points. Xaldin was cool, but he wasn't around often so Roxas didn't know him to well. He saw Axel looking at him with his head in his hand. Roxas smiled. And, for the first time, Axel gave him a lopsided grin that actually was friendly instead of cheesy. Roxas and Axel went back to eating their food, and Roxas thought about the others. He would talk to Xemnas if he wasn't so proper. Roxas had told him about not being comfortable within the Organization, and all he'd said was, "Just be nice and say a couple of hellos, and you'll make some friends soon." Roxas then noticed that Xemnas had disappeared while he was eating. "Hey, where did Xemnas go?" Roxas asked. "He always leaves about this time, y'know. He just kind of melts and slinks out of here without anyone noticing." Axel explained as he wiped his hands. "If you want to talk to him, he'll be down in the computer room working." Saix added in his calm voice, looking past Roxas like he was invisible. Roxas shrugged and drank some of his water. Larxene put her feet up on the table. Roxas noticed she was the only one with high-heels on her boots and pointed toes. "Larxene, put your feet down." Xaldin said as he handed Zexion some of his eggs. "Why? I need to stretch my legs." she snapped, her usually happy-go-lucky green eyes flaring like electricity. "Because, you'll give someone E.coli." Demyx said, throwing one of Luxord's dice between him, Axel, and Luxord. "Oh, shuddup, Blondie." Larxene hissed. "Don't have a food-fight." Saix said as he watched the dice sail through the air and into Axel's hand. "And stop throwing that thing, we're not third-graders." he added a bit viciously. "Saix, you know, you will never make a good leader." Axel said as he juggled six dice. Saix's eyes had a savage expression in them when Axel said that. "Well, I feel like I'm the only person here who's not throwing dice." "Don't you sleep with a pink bear?" Demyx asked, and he and Axel snorted with laughter. "You two give me migranes. I'm leaving." Saix stood up angrily and glared at the two. "Bye, temper." Axel taunted, waving after Saix's disappearing figure. Roxas watched him leave. "Is he always like that?" he asked as everyone stood. "Yeah, always snorting black smoke." Axel waited for Roxas to stand up and he and Demyx left with him. "He's savage actually. I said something about his precious blue hair and he tried to cut my throat." Demyx giggled. "I HEARD that." Saix came out of nowhere carrying a book. He glared at Demyx, then Roxas. "Roxas, Xemnas wants to see you, so you're coming with me." "Uh, oh. Save yourself from the raging bull." Axel whispered. Roxas nodded and followed Saix, wondering what Xemnas wanted...
Okay, everyone. I'm just 'what-if'ing, so don't get mad at me because I am. This is just my wild fantasies... What if... There are doors to other worlds? What if... That some people walking around us are Nobodies? What if... The Organization started attacking people to collect hearts? What if... Kingdom Hearts was really opened? Those are some of my what ifs, so if you have some other what-ifs you'd like to add to this thread, go ahead. I have a lot more but I'm not going to babble on... :D
Twilight at the Castle That Never Was~ Axel was walking down the hallway that evening, listening to his blood-red iPod. He had it loud enough for him to hear and low enough where he could overhear other people's conversations. As he looked into the other members' room, he saw Luxord watching the Lakers game on his plasma screen TV while eating a bag of buttery popcorn and lying up in his bed. Saix working on a project, which was a puzzle he'd found while drinking a glass of Crystal Light. "Hey," Axel said. Saix looked up over his glass. "Oh, hi." he said, putting a piece of the puzzle onto another. Xemnas was also watching television, but instead a murder trial. "Hey, what's up, Xemnas?" Xemnas looked up and waved at Axel, then went back to listening to the TV and looking for something. "AXEL!" It was Roxas, coming down the hallway, waving something. He had that familiar grin on his face that meant he had found something good. "Look, come on!" he said, trying to keep his voice down because they were right next to Xemnas's room. Xemnas looked out at them. "You two better be doing something constructive, because I can hear you laughing, Roxas." he gave Roxas a cold look. "I was watching something on TV and it was really funny, so I came to tell Axel." Roxas lied, still giggling. Xemnas stopped trying to rip the plastic off a package of envelopes and stared at Roxas. "Is it really that funny? If it is, show me." Roxas stopped laughing. "Er....well, it went off. Now, there's just a...umm, a dog show on." Xemnas turned and left, and they heard him rip the plastic off the envelopes. "C'mon!" Roxas walked down the hallway, looking back to make sure Xemnas was not following them. "What is it?" Axel asked, taking his earphones out of his ears and shoving his iPod into his pocket. "Look," Roxas held up a pink journal, and on the front in violet Sharpie were the words: MARLUXIA'S JOURNAL. "Oh my Gosh, Roxas. You are so D-E-A-D." Axel said as he and Roxas went into his bedroom. "I know, but, you know me and my sticky fingers." Roxas giggled and clapped his hands together. Axel opened up the journal and began reading out loud: I don't know what is wrong with Saix, but everytime he comes within ten inches of something labeled 'sugar', he goes wild. Just last night he tore up his own bedroom because Larxene gave him a Pepsi. He was absolutely berserk! And, I think Xemnas is kind of...weird. You know, he's just this big old dude who thinks he's so great just because he's the Superior. Well, he wasn't to macho when it comes to his past, which he never brings up. I never told anyone I sleep with my stuffed animal, Pixie. She's a pink little pony that I lay on top of my bed, and every night I do that. She makes me feel safe and cuddly. Larxene's crazy. One time I tried to take a shower, and she was ASLEEP in the bathtub. I think they need to take her to a mental insitution right away. I think Xemnas has a bad habit of going off with his credit cards. He bought us a black Tahoe today and put everything from chrone rims to a chrome grill on it. That's scary. I wonder where he gets all this munny from...? I went in Larxene's room today and found a whole bunch of chocolate wrappers on the floor, from Snickers to Kit Kats. In ten weeks she's going to have type 2 diabetes. Luxord annoys me. He's always popping up out of nowhere and peeking in my room, he's is W-E-I-R-D. Axel began laughing. So did Roxas. But they stopped when they saw Xemnas and Marluxia standing in the doorway. "So, reading other's journals must be fun, eh? Well, let's see how fun it is when you get to scrub the kitchen until it shining clean." Xemnas grabbed Roxas by the ear and Axel by the collar. "Sorry, about that." "You'll be sorrier when I give you your toothbrushes."
I think Marluxia. Even though I'm a girl, we've cut our hair in the same style (I have a side bang, though, but the sides look like his :D)
Organization XIII - The Battle With Axel "Okay, brat." Axel came into the room with both his Chakrams in hand. "I'm gonna warn you, you better get goin' or I'm going to seriously hurt you." "If you'll just let me explain..." I began, but Axel threw his Chakram. I ducked just as it sailed over my head. It hit the wall and scorched the paint. "Calm down, Axel!" I cried in a breathless voice. "You - you know my name?" I looked at him. I hadn't realized that I did know him. "Yeah," "You haven't met a guy names Roxas by any chance?" "Nope." Axel ran his fingers through his red hair and walked past me. "It's about time we settled things," he turned and got into a fighting position. I grabbed my Keyblade, ready for the first attack. He charged at me so quickly he almost knocked me down. I counterattacked with the Keyblade, my heels digging into the wooden floor as he pushed against the Keyblade. It was making grating sounds as I used it to defend myself against his deadly spiked Chakrams. I pushed harder and the Keyblade hit him with a force. He flew back but righted himself. I hit him in the arm. The Keyblade shot out a bright silver light, and Axel fell to the ground. "Gotcha!" he kicked me in the hand, and the Keyblade flew out of my fingers. I yelped in pain and held my aching hand. He dropped his Chakrams and punched my side. I grunted and stumbled. When I regained my balance I kicked him hard in the stomach. He hunched over with his hands on his stomach. "Good one." He grabbed my on my upper arm, and began twirling me. Then, he let go. I was dizzied from the spinning and was wavering back and forth across the room. With a painful force, he rammed into me and threw me against the wall. I was knocked out instantly. *** Axel picked the crumpled form of the girl off the floor. The Keyblade disappeared, and he didn't know what happened to it. Carrying her outside into the warm summer day, he carried her to the sandlot. Someone was bound to find her there, or she would regain consciousness and find her way out. Placing her in the middle of the arena, he warped and left.
Don't get mad at me if you realize I'm in the rest of the chapters - but I like stepping out of the box. Twilight Town~ I flew out of the portal and onto soft green grass. "Oof!" I gasped as I hit the ground. I lay there for a few seconds before moving. My thigh-high, black-and-white boots felt uncomfortable on my legs. This new outfit felt weird. I smoothed my hair and stood up. As I looked around I realized I was sitting in front of the gate to the mansion in Twilight Town. I stood up and picked a blade of grass off my dress. The gate was partially open, wide for me to squeeze through. I did, but I looked around to make sure I wasn't being followed. Then, carefully, I went through. Clank. I looked down and saw a keychain in my hand. I hadn't relized I was clutching it. It was on a thick chain, and on the end was charm in the shape of a key. I found a hook on it and put the ends together to create a necklace. I then ran to the door of the mansion. The door was half open, but I was scared to go in. I took a deep breath and opened the door. It swung open lightly, revealing a dim, half-demolished entrance. There were two staircases leading to the White Room and the Library. I took the one to the library. Something was off about this place, I thought as I climbed the steps. My footsteps sounded dull as I climbed up. Something flew down at me. A Nobody. It was a Dusk, and it was coming closer to me on it's rubbery legs. I held out my hand. A bright light swirled and formed an Oathkeeper Keyblade. My fingers were shaking as I gripped it with my right hand and swatted at the Nobody. It made a sound like shredding paper and then disappeared. "Hey! No tresspassers allowed!" I looked down to see Axel glaring up at me. I didn't want to start a fight with Axel, so I took off running. I heard Axel's footsteps behind me as I pushed open the library door. "BURN!" The heat of his Chakrams whizzed past my head. I gasped as it touched my elbow. It hurt. Running even through the searing pain of the burn, I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere. I was trapped. Chapter 4 coming soon! Read Chapters 1 and 2 also.
I pretty much like this new series. The chapters will get longer as I proceed deeper into the story. I know they're short now, but can someone tell me if they're better shorter or longer, and if they're interesting or not? Thanks, and read my other fanfictions, too!
I'd probably go into my cuz's room (she's EMO!) and fight the evil heartless in there (I'm sure there is) and then kill the demon boss. Then I see if I could unlock any keyholes in my town and fight even more! My Keyblade would be an Oathkeeper - 'cause it's white.
You know...I've also been having weird dreams too. Like, one night I was dreaming that I fought this Heartless (it was like a huge Panda bear thingy that could have been in Land of Dragons) and then the scene switched and I saw Marluxia talking to Axel about me and said that they needed to capture me and bring me to TWTNW. Maybe I'm overreacting...but I'm sure it's just that you play KHII to much and DON'T PLAY IT BEFORE BED!!!! IT'S TRUE.
I want to go to TWTNW (because the Organization's there, and I want to see Axel!) and Twilight Town, it's so pretty there.