What, people drive terribly down there or is it just dangerous to drive on the East Coast?
This is my RP, and my first one, but I expect it to be good. Here, it is a Kingdom Hearts based RP in a land called Fantasia. Rules: You can either be on Light or Dark side, it is your choice. (To get a clearer picture: Light equals your character as a good person [i.e., Sora or your own] Dark equals Organization XIII or at least someone evil). You can either create your own character or choose an orginial. Please, when putting in your custom character, put your: Name: Age: (you don't have to put age in) Apperance: Personality: Weapon: Side: (i.e. Light or Dark) This makes it simpler and easy to understand. If you want to sketch/draw your weapon, that would be good, but just a clear description in words is okay, too. I don't want bad language, or anything that would be offensive to others. Thank you. First, I will need a couple of people as the original characters from KH, some for Organization XIII (And no, you cannot be a Nobody or Heartless!) some custom characters for Light/Dark side(s). I will check in later and give a message that will show this RP is full. Once it is full, we will begin the RP. Thank you. Love, SilentNocturne. Here is my character: Name: Alria (or Ali) Age: 12 Appearance: Long dark brown hair, light-gold skin, tall and slim, sapphire-blue eyes. My clothes: Black,white,and blue dress with kind of Emo prints on it, thigh-high boots, finger-less gloves, and a half-moon star pendant. Personality: Quiet and shy, but intelligent and sweet. She loves animals and has a pure, strong heart. Weapon: Oathkeeper Keyblade Side: Light Oh, almost forgot: If you are going to be a Kingdom Hearts character, make sure no one else is that character (like say someone was Larxene and you wanted to be Larxene, too) If a person leaves this RP and the space is available, the person who wanted to be that character can become them. With Organization XIII members, keep the members the same, no changes. I won't be sure how many people I will need, but I will keep a list of each character and it's owner, and when I feel that there are to many people, I will put out a message. There will be battles, and I will need someone to help me discuss the monsters names, levels, attacks, and all. If I sound bossy, I'm sorry! :) I just like things orderly and straight without the chaotic feeling of pulling everyone together! :P So, if you are a custom or original character and want to help me with the RP functions, please also add in your description that you'll help me, I don't think I can make up all those monsters. If you feel someone is being deregitory or rude, PM me or the staff so that'll be cleared up. You can also add if you are a Mage, Gunner, Keyblader, etc. as your character description, but that'll be cleared up with your weapon type. I am currently creating worlds, so when I have a few I will add them in my Replies. Enjoy! Here are the original character available: Sora: Taken Riku: Available Kairi: Taken Donald: Available Goofy: Available King Mickey: Available Organization XIII: Xemnas: Available Xigbar: Available Xaldin: Available Vexen: Available Lexaeus: Available Zexion: Available Saix: Available Axel: Taken Demyx: Available Luxord: Available Marluxia: Available Larxene: Available Roxas: Taken Please sign up for my RP! I wanted to do something like this and very expectant! Is anyone interested in joining? I see I have a lot of views but no replies. Members: Crista: Emo Pengwin Kairi: Kairi245 Axel's#1fangirl: Xedramon Emo Pengwin will help me with the functions of the RP, like the admins of Fantasia, so we need two more people before the Fantasia Orderly Commitee (the name is for the RP :D) will be complete. Is anyone else up to joining the FOC?
My username, "SilentNocturne", meant something beautiful and silent for me, that you can't hear but see. I like mystical names. They're so wonderful a alluring.
My favorite animal is the horse, and a bird (I have two finches) :), and dogs (his name is Ozzie!), and fish.
Well, at least we won't be seeing anymore of Rosso! Hey, how hard does it take to kill Azul when he turns into that dino-dog-buff thing? He killed me so many times I gave up!
Yeah, the gameplay was pretty cool (smiles). I thought that that proffessor, the one that Azul killed, was pretty creepy. She had one arm and one eye. And NERO WAS SO WEIRD I THOUGHT I HAD GONE CRAZY. What is Nero's purpose in the game, and Rosso the Crimson was a maniac - I hoped she's dead cause it took me so long to actually kill her!
Yeah, but couldn't they have kept the old worlds and just added new bosses to them?
Who thought that Dirge of Cereberus was kind of...weird? It went by so fast, and the setting was odd. And what also was odd was that you could go back on scenes. Was that because they were missions?
You might be able to get it by choosing the ability 'Lucky Lucky'. It increases the drop-rate of rare items.
Sometimes if you use Wisdom form, it will change into Final Form; if it doesn't work for you then it might be Valor or Master, because I don't think you can attain it like the others...?
I know there were new worlds added, like TWTNW, Twilight Town, Pride Lands, and the extension of Christmas Town in Halloween Town, Port Royal, etc. I was just wondering, some of the world's features have been changed around, like Halloween Town in KH didn't look like it did now, and Wonderland and so on were missing. How come they took out most of the worlds? Was it because they wanted to have less worlds and harder battles?
Oh really? I didn't know it was hard to unlock that reaction command. You just attack a couple of times, then reversal, and repeat it. It was hard at first but I did it.
Yeah, I guess so. I was just kind of curious about it.
In the last battle with Xemnas, if you press attack and reversal over-and-over, he will do that grab-and-kick attack. Who doesn't like to provoke him into doing that? It's funny how he only does it on the first thing, but if you try to make him do it again, he won't do it. Why does he do that?
OK. Thanks for the explanation. I was kind of confused back there.:)
I wonder how hard a battle between Kadaj would be? Or Yazoo, or Loz? Would it be exceedingly hard or kinda easy? Maybe even a battle between Nero the Sable from Dirge of Cereberus? I was kind of upset that they only focus on 1/2 of the FF characters and not all of them, most of the ones they left out were good! (Hey, has anyone beat Dirge of Cereberus? I'm half-way through on the second battle with Azul. *sobs*)
ALL RIGHT! Keep on reading! Here's Chapter 5: Roxas was in such a deep sleep that he barely heard Axel and Demyx sneak into his room. Axel looked over at Roxas. He had a very large purple bruise on his cheek, just above the jaw, and a large band-aid on the side of his head. "Saix must have really gotten him," Demyx commented as he surveyed Roxas's injuries. Axel nodded and sat down in one of Roxas's chairs, but he had to stand up again because he had nearly squished Panna. "Axel, what're you doing?" Saix was standing in the doorway, frowning at him. "Oh, we were waiting for Rox to wake up." he replied, putting his feet up on the dresser gently. Demyx nodded as he juggled bubbles. "Well, can you wake him up? It's time for dinner." "Is it sit-whereever-you want-day again?" "Yes, but don't sit next to me." "Yeah!" While Saix and Axel snapped at each other, Demyx gently shook Roxas awake. "Time for dinner," he whispered. Roxas yawned widely and placed Panna on his bed gently. "Okay," Roxas ran his fingers through his blonde hair as he followed them to them to the dining room. "Roxas, how do you feel?" Saix had dropped behind and was walking side-by-side with Roxas. "Drowsy." Roxas replied, looking up at Saix. He didn't look like he cared, but maybe that was because he wasn't one for expressing his feelings, if he had any. In the dining room, Roxas plopped down in a chair next to Xigbar, who was playing poker with Luxord. "I'm going to bid." Xigbar announced, and Roxas noticed he had an eye-patch over his left eye. "Hey, kid. What're you staring at?" Roxas blinked and saw that Xigbar was giving him a grin. "Oh, just thinking." he replied as Axel ripped opened a little jar of blue powder and sprinkled it on his tongue. "What's that?" "Powdered candy, it's sour. Wanna try some?" he asked. "Sure." Roxas took the jar and sprinkled some on his tongue. At first, it tasted very bland, then a burst of blueberry sourness erupted. "AH! That is sour." "Like Saix, 'cause he's always blue." Axel said as Roxas handed him the jar back, and Saix turned away from Xemnas too glare at Axel. Larxene came out of the kitchen, her blonde hair covered with glitter as she placed a steaming tray of some kind of pasta with mixed vegetables and meat on the table. Roxas threw some on his plate and carefully tasted it. It tasted good, so he continued to eat more. Saix though, was picking at his food, instead of eating it. "You're not gonna eat?" Demyx asked through a mouthfull of steak as Zexion handed him a beige pouch full of something. "I'm not very hungry," he replied. Larxene bit down on her fork and cocked her head so that the two strands of hair standing up went askew. "Are you trying to lose weight?" Saix shook his head no and tapped his glass of water, making the ice cubes in it clink against the edges. "Just eat a little, you might faint if you don't." Xemnas suggested as he opened up a very large book and began reading. Saix did, but he didn't seem very interested. "I'm going down to the computer room." he said abruptly, standing up and disappearing. "DONE!" Axel announced. "No you're not, I saw you give your broccoli to that Shaodow heartless." Xemnas looked over his book at Axel. Roxas smiled slightly as he finished his vegetables and drank some of his water. "Can we go and play now?" he asked. Xemnas stared at Roxas for a while. "Yes," he said finally, waving them off. "Have fun." Xigbar called after them. "I wonder what's up with Saix, he's been funny lately." "Maybe he's got a secret girlfriend he doesn't want anyone to know about." Demyx suggested eagerly. "I don't anyone who'd go out with him," Axel stretched and ruffled Roxas's hair. "I'm going to dye your hair, how about green?" "No WAY! I don't want to look like a palm tree." Roxas ducked, and just as he did he caught a glimpse of Saix walking down the hallway. "Hey, look! It's Saix!" Saix obviously heard them, because he turned to look. "Are you following me?" "No, because you're to mean - yeah we're following ya! What else? How come you didn't eat at dinner? How come you're nastier than before?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" Demyx asked. "No, why would I? I have no time for such nonsense, and Axel...I wasn't hungry, I had something earlier, and I'm being nasty because you're a very annoying person." Saix turned and left through a corridor of darkness. "Let's follow him." Axel said, pulling Roxas along. "Why?" But no one answered, they just pulled him through the corridor of darkness... I hope you liked it; since they changed the forum around I had to use this instead.
I didn't understand what you just said.
What kind of illegal actions?
Yeah. It was just in the Organization's boss battles I had that problem. (CURSE YOU ANTI-FORM!!!!!!!)