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  1. N
    I've wrote poems before, but if you noticed I mostly write stories, so I'm not sure if this is good. My creative mind is buzzing out of control now...Anyways, enjoy!

    The Worlds Beyond the Sea
    By: SilentNocturne

    I'm stuck on this place,
    This place of nothing.
    I look across the ocean,
    while my heart desires freedom.
    I'm bonded behind thse doors,
    my heart seeking freedom.

    I'm always curious about what lies beyond the sea,
    is it something I don't know of?
    I feel something is holding me back
    from seeing the world beyond the sea.
    I'm curious like a foal,
    galloping to the edge,
    and whinnying to the outside world.

    I dream about it everyday,
    of lands where anythign is possible.
    I stare at the night sky
    and watch the stars twinkle,
    and I wonder: What is that little light?

    I wish you could take me into that dimension,
    and show me what it is like.
    You're the only one I know who could,
    my silent wind.
    While my heart seeks freedom, it also loves you.

    I wish you could show me,
    that interstellar vortex,
    and weave our love through our fingers.

    I dream of the Worlds Beyond the Sea,
    that laughs at me with deep blue waters.
    I wish you could take me,
    through the secret dimension.

    Did anyone like it? It's my first poem that I posted in public :), so tell me if it sounded nice or bad. But, I think it's a very nice poem.
    Thread by: N, May 23, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. N
    I know :P, I censored it out, but I was just thinking when I was writing this. Did you see my Chapter 6 for Roxas - Life in the Organization?
    Post by: N, May 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. N
    Like Marluxia, we have an IMPATIENT Larxene (Plays Jaws music in the background).

    Saturday Morning at the Castle That Never Was:

    Larxene's pink Motorola Razor rang in her ear on her table, and she growled in her pillow before sitting up. "SHUT UP YOU FRIGGIN' PHONE!" She snapped, turning off the alarm button and throwing back her covers. She was dressed in her canary yellow night gown, her golden hair rolled up on her head. She opened up her neat drawer and pulled out her slender black coat, grabbed her high-heeled boots and stomped to her bathroom, muttering.
    In the bathroom, Larxene turned on the shower and got her favorite soap: Nobody's Emo Soaps, fragrance Apple Pie. She got in the shower and slathered herself in the soap, breathing in the sweet smell of apples...
    "HELLLLOOOO!" Called a voice only to be Xigbar's.
    "WHAT THE *&^$% DO YOU WANT?" She asked.
    "Can I use the shower?"
    "#@!!(* NO!" She cried.
    "OK, can I use the toilet?"
    "Double #@!!(* no!" she cried louder.
    "Can I brush my hair?"
    "Would you just get the *()&^%$ away from me?" she asked.
    "OK..." She heard Xigbar leave from outside the door.
    What the ^%$#!@ is wrong with these ^%*()-+&% people?
    After Larxene took her shower, she dried herself off and put perfume on her coat and ironed it. As she was doing her makeup she heard someone outside the door. It was Axel.
    "Is somebody in there? The whole left side of the castle smells like apple pie."
    "Yes, you ^%#!@ turd."
    "XEMNAS! LARXENE CALLED ME A ^%#!@ TURD!" Axel cried.
    "WOULD YOU SHUT THE ^$!@#$ UP?" She snapped, rolling Volumizing mascara over her eyes as she slapped on her foundation.
    After cussing out Axel, she stormed to the kitchen. "Uh oh, duck! It's Miss Foul Mouth!" Demyx covered his eyes.
    "Yeah I've got a %$!@$ foul mouth. What're you going to do about it, ******?" Larxene asked Demyx.
    "Larxene, proper table manners, please." Xemnas said calmly. "OH SHUT THE &%#$@ UP, BUFFY! YOU GO AND GET AIRBRUSH TANS EVERY MONTH!"
    Axel gaped. They'd never heard Xemnas curse. Saix yawned. "Do you have a serious case of PMS, Larxene?" He asked.
    "Um...well, there is a big huge package of Tampons in the bathroom drawer -"
    "SHUT THE &^!@$ LARXENE!"

    And for the rest of the day, you only heard the curse words from A - Z...
    Thread by: N, May 22, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. N
    Roxas - Life in the Organization * Chap. 6

    OK, I've been really busy, so sorry for the long wait :D.

    Chapter 6:

    "Wha...what is this place?" Roxas looked around, his blue eyes wide with surprise. "This is a Corridor of Darkness, we'll teach you how to make one one day." Axel explained calmly, pulling Roxas along. Roxas couldn't hear his footsteps, and his head felt light and airy, and his pasta was wiggling in his stomach in a sickening way. The Corridor of Darkness was a swirl of colors - from black, midnight blue, and a deep violet. The colors merged and swirled and made airy, breathing sounds as they did, creating intricate patterns on the walls. Ahead of them, stood a very dark hole, seven-feet-tall and making a terrible roaring sound. As they approached it, Roxas felt like some invisible force was pulling him along; his limbs felt like ten tons and his arms hung heavily. The pressure that the Dark Hole exuded made his head pound, and his ears began to ring. "Axel..." he groaned, his tongue barely forming words, "" he asked, straining to make his body function properly.
    "It's a Chaos Door, or, A Door Through Darkness, now cover your ears, close your eyes, and hold your food." Roxas did as he was told. Suddenly, with a whoosh, he was lifted from the ground and catapulted into the dark hole. Like being thrown into a river full of ice cold water, he gasped in pain as the cold air hit him with force. He began to swirl so fast the his hands nearly got peeled away from his ears, and his eyelids almost flew open. Then, suddenly, he jerked to a stop, running into Axel and Demyx.
    "Ah!" he gasped as he hit Axel in the back and toppled over onto them. " weigh a ton, Rox!" Axel mumbled, shoving him gently off him. "I'm not that fat." Roxas complained as he blinked. His head was still swirling from the fast motion of the Door Through Darkness, and his blood seemed to be swimming through his body at a fast rate.
    "What the heck? What're you three doing here?" A high-voice called. Roxas looked up to see the slender figure of Larxene looking down at them, her round green eyes narrowed in suspicion. "We came to see was up to." Axel coughed as he stood up.
    Larxene crossed her arms and looked at Axel from up under her eyelashes, which were coated on the tips with electric-yellow mascara. "And? Xemnas is not going to be pleased with you." she said menacingly. "Oh! Roxas! Are you all right, sweetie?" Larxene asked, pulling up Roxas. Roxas groaned and swaggered. "What did you do?" she asked, pressing him again her chest. Roxas smelled cookies and cream perfume on her coat.
    "Don't smother him." Axel peeled Roxas out of her clutches and she swept her fingers through his tousled blonde hair.
    "The others are over in the square," she said, twirling around and click-clacking off in her five-inch heels.
    "Come on," Demyx said, looping his arm through Roxas's. Axel did the same. "Time to bear the rage of The Boss."

    Roxas was sitting in a chair beside Marluxia, listening to the raised voice of Xemnas as he scolded Axel and Demyx. "THIS IS THE ORGANIZATION, YOU IDIOTS. NOT KIDDIE HOUSE. I DID NOT ORGANIZE THIS FOR YOU TO SPY ON PEOPLE AND CAUSE TROUBLE." Xemnas roared. Axel was twiddling his thumbs while listening, and Demyx was staring into Xemnas's face with huge blue eyes.
    Axel started snickering. "AND YOU DOFOUS, STOP SMILING OR ELSE I'LL MAKE YOU CLEAN THE FLOOR OF THE LIVING ROOM WITH A HAND TOWEL AND BLEACH!" Xemnas stopped yelling after scolding them loudly for two more minutes. Saix was sitting on Roxas's left side, looking calm in the face but amused in the eyes.
    Xemnas turned from them, his face red and his hand clenched in fists. "Now, can we proceed on?"
    "Yes," Saix said after a few moments of silence. "I already updated the town's defense system and network so only we can get to it."
    "Is there a password?" Xemnas asked, sitting in a chair with a huff, rolling his eyes at Demyx, who was eating a Kit-Kat and Axel, who was drinking a Coke.
    "Yes, the password is A7890-12TYX8."
    "Dang, how can we remember that?" Axel said, swallowing his coke.
    "WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR ONCE, KETCHUP-BRAINS?" Xemnas roared again, throwing a saber at Axel. Axel ducked just in time before the laser shocked him.
    "What is it for?" Roxas asked. He expected Xemnas to try and rip his throat out, but he replied calmly, "For our project; Project 'Replica Town'."
    "Replica Town?" Axel gaped.
    "Yes, it's our new secret base." Xemnas replied, not trying to kill Axel this time.
    "We'll take you there if you like," Saix stood and shook his hair out of his face, motioning for them to follow him.
    "It's not completed, but it will be."
    And then, a door opened in front of them, and Roxas stepped through...

    "Whoa..." Roxas breathed. 'Replica Town' was a huge place. Above them was a wide blue sky, but the clouds in it did not move, they hung still. The anagram of the sun was rising above the green hills, but it did little to warm them up like the real sun did.
    The grass beneath their feet was long, and about the only thing that felt real. It was a lush green, and was covered slightly in dew. Roxas touched it with his hands. It prickled against his arm.
    "Wow, you guys must be really smart then. And to think Saix had completely no BRAINS at all." Axel laughed, and Marluxia slapped him on the back of his head.
    "This place is very interesting," Roxas jumped. Zexion was standing next to him, his silvery hair glowing in the sunlight and his dark blue eyes setting off his pearly complexion. Zexion was short and small boned, but as Roxas looked into his eyes (which were visible since he was standing next to him instead of face-forward), he saw thoughtfulness and intelligence.
    "Yeah, I wonder how they got the data to do this?" Lexaeus's deep voice said behind Roxas. He had to nearly stand on tip-toe to look up into the tall man's face.
    "This place is an Argentina field." Saix replied, scribbling furiously down on a clipboard.
    "Next we'll have a replica White House," Axel muttered out of the corner of his mouth. Roxas giggled. "Oh, I get it. So that means we won't have to pay for air-fare next time - we just come here. Hey, you forgot something."
    Saix looked from up under his eyelashes. "What?"
    "Where's the margaritas?"
    Everyone laughed, including Xemnas, but Saix frowned. He obviously couldn't see the funny-side of things.
    "I'm not going to be wasting my time making replica margaritas, for your information, Axel. This is something of importance."
    "I know, I was just making a suggestion to make it interesting."

    Back at the Castle That Never Was, Roxas wrote in his diary.
    Dear Diary, We went to a place called 'Replica Town' that Saix and Xemnas made. It's really cool. Everything is almost as exact as the original. I can't wait until they finish it, it'll be exciting.
    Roxas closed his diary and brushed dust off Panna's ears. He didn't really remember where he got Panna, it just that whenever he looked at it he smiled.
    "DINNER!" Larxene called. "AND IT'S CHOSE YOUR SEAT DAY!"
    Roxas followed the crowd of members into the dining room. "All right, PIZZA." Axel got a plate and opened up one of the pizza boxes, which was a mushroom and sausage pizza. He got three slices and sat down, taking a bite out of the take-out pizza and pulling cheese with the bread. "Who decided to order pizza?" he asked.
    Xemnas sat down and got himself some pepperoni and cheese crust pizza, his expression bewildered. "I don't know." he admitted, shaking powder cheese on the top of his slices.
    Demyx made a pizza sandwich. "DE-LICIOUS! Did you do this Roxas?" he asked.
    "No..." Roxas got some cheese pizza, and when he did, and little sticky note flickered down onto his lap. He looked at it.
    It read: I'm close by to you, Namine.
    "Who's Namine?" Roxas asked a loud.
    "Namine?" Saix looked up from his pizza, where he had been working on pulling the cheese crust off.
    "It seems familiar...but, who cares. Let's eat." Axel grabbed another slice, while Larxene diligently ate her buffalo wings and pizza at the same time.
    Roxas tried to join in the fun as they all agreed to have a Friday night party. Zexion and Demyx popped twenty bags of popcorn, they continued to devour their pizza (and buffalo wings once Larxene ran out of hot sauce), Axel made snow cones, and Luxord and Marluxia got the DVD player hooked up to their 72 inch plasma screen TV.
    But as they enjoyed a movie called Rush Hour 2, Roxas only thought about the letter. Who in the world was Namine?
    Post by: N, May 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. N
    What is the Cavern of Remembrance? I was on YouTube yesterday and saw a couple of videos on this cavern. Inside, it looked a lot like the Organization's stronghold, and there were also portals to the different Organization battles.
    Thread by: N, May 17, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. N
    Hey, guys.
    This is something I'm posting for your benefit. I'm going to be taking riding lessons and showing horses, and this may interrupt the RP. So, if I'm not here, I will either be at my riding lessons or at a show. So, don't stress. I will check in later.
    Thanks for your cooperation and have fun with the RP.
    Post by: N, May 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. N
    Yes, that's a good idea.
    Sorry I haven't been on for a day :), my mom left for Santa Clarita so I'm at my Grandma's house and I forgot my laptop at home.
    Post by: N, May 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. N
    Yes! I'd buy all of them!
    Post by: N, May 13, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. N
    You make the Organization members mad. I'm gonna make it a poll so vote people!
    Thread by: N, May 13, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. N
    OK, I know this sounds stupid, but it'd be really cool if they had black sweatshirts with each members' name and number on it in roman numerals (like VIII for Axel). If I could get one of those iron on paper-things and type up the numbers, I'd so totally go for it! I think if they had sweatshirts like that I'd have no. I for Xemnas ('cuz he's like The Boss), no. VIII for Saix (nobody will mess with me with Saix on my side! Hehehe!) no. VIII for Axel (BURN ALL WHO DARE HURT ME!), XII for Larxene (it's a girl thing), and XI for Marluxia (Never underestimate the power of the flower!)
    Thread by: N, May 13, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. N
    Sure! You guys really don't have to ask :D

    How we're going to play this is not entirely authorized yet, I have to figure it out. But, I feel like we should do it in a messaging play, like you ask someone if they want to go do such and suchh (if you've played .hack you'll probably know what I mean) and so on. It will be explained more a little later once I've got the play idea down.
    Oh, one more thing: A lot of people are signing up as KH characters. We do need a little custom characters, too, so don't leave out your creative side, 'kay?
    Post by: N, May 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. N
    I don't think Nobodies really die. I think they're like a touchable illusion; even if they do disappear in darkness they come back once more. You know, like never endless wandering souls? It would be kinda scary to think that after you went through all that trouble to kill off the Organization and then they just pop up stronger and powerfuller than ever. Ugh...
    Thread by: N, May 13, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. N
    I'd appreciate it. It looks like a lot of people are interested! Anymore?
    Post by: N, May 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. N
    All righty then. Let me highlight Sora for you.
    Highlighted Sora, that means you've already claimed him.
    Post by: N, May 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. N
    Ok, I'll highlight Axel so everyone knows he's been taken.
    Thank you.
    Post by: N, May 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. N
    Yes, as long as you follow rules.

    Okay, so now we have 2 members in Fantasia:
    Emo Penguin as Crista
    Kairi245 as Kairi.

    Is there anyone who'd like to be an Organization XIII member?
    I know Axel and Xemnas and Roxas will be requested of pretty quickly...

    Here are some monsters:
    There will be Nobodies (the same bunch)
    There willl be Heartless (a couple of new ones, but those have not been named a leveled yet)
    You will fight against bosses (those have not been named yet and leveled)
    Each monster will be color coded. Monsters in[/COLOR] blue are easy to defeat, orange difficult, red and white hard to very hard. So, each beast's colors will be those colors so you'll know how hard they will be.
    The monsters name will be discussed with me and Crista (Emo Pengwin).
    Post by: N, May 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. N
    OK, but hurry. This RP will fill up soon and your character may be taken. Kairi has already been taken, if you noticed.
    Post by: N, May 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. N
    Sure, of course!

    OK. Original Characters that have been requested for will be out lined in red and have 'taken' after their name.
    Post by: N, May 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. N
    Thank you, Member13. It's horrible waiting for something you REALLY, REALLY want and having to fight with the people just to get it *sigh*. I hope I never have to go through that again.
    Post by: N, May 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. N
    OK, if you've been to any sites where they have imported Japanes anime/manga/games, etc. I'd advise you to not order ANYTHING from them if they look fishy and unrealiable. I have had a bad experience with one of these websites. It took them two and a half months to ship me my DVD. We found that the DVD had been lost at the post office, and then it took them three weeks to reply back, then if took another two-and-a-half to finally receive it.
    I only think Play-Asia is a realiable, big source company that you can trust when getting imported products from Japan. Other than those, like advertisements on the sites and from Google's search forums I do not trust.
    It's for your own good, so you'll be a happy CUSTOMER (WHICH I WASN'T AFTER THIS EXPERIENCE WITH THIS SITE!!)
    Thread by: N, May 12, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone