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  1. N
    Yeah, Halfinger's are very exotic and Arabians are gracefull to me. I'd love to show on one.
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. N
    LOL. Funny; or maybe Organization XIII tampered with all who played it. :DXD
    If your PS2 does that noise, either it's pissed off or something wrong with the disc drive. I have the slim one too and it never made that sound - yet. I don't want to jinx myself.
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. N
    I haven't ridden in a while but will start...*just need those friggen dressage boots and hunt coat and helmet!*
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. N
    I say:

    "DANG YOU!"
    "XEMNAS YOU'RE SUCH A B****H!" *I said this while fighting him*
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. N
    W-O-W. Hey, what's your favorite breed? I love Arabians, they're so photegenic. Have you ever heard of the photographer Gabrielle Boiselle? I have one of her books and its called 'Horses'. The pictures are so gorgeous.
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. N
    Nah, I like the real thing. The Breyer models make me want to make the horses come to life.
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. N
    Why didn't McDonald's choose Kingdom Hearts as their theme for the month or so (like they are doing with Shrek), because almost everyone knows KH and loves it. They could have made millions with this idea because it's very much better (in my opinion) than an ugly green orge.
    Thread by: N, May 24, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. N
    I'm home-schooled, so I don't have to worry about when I'm getting out, but the only thing I DON'T LIKE is that I have to go through a 100% hot summer in SoCal *gurrrrrz*. But, at least I hape air-conditioning. I get out between JUNE AND I WANT TO GO BACK TO ENGLAND SO BADDDDD!!!!!!!!! I LUV ENGLISH PEOPLE CUZ THEY RIDE HORSES!!!!! *Don't laugh! :P*
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. N
    YUP. I'm sure that Nomura will explain more in KHFM+ *let's hope*.
    Well, here's one possible theory: (sing it out loud or in your head)

    Saix got mad,
    pulled out his claymore,
    and tried to kill Xigbar.
    But Xigbar shot his hand,
    and his claymore flew.
    It hit him right in the face,
    and a made a big fat X.

    Case closed :D :D
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. N
    Yeah, I love showing, especially the English disciplines. I plan on having dressage as my main aspect, and maybe a little hunter/jumper, too. Do you know any place where they had English tack? I live in SoCal, so the only places I know are State Line Tack, Dover Saddlery (they're back east) and Dressage Extensions (I don't know if they have a store.)
    I going to persuade my mom one of these days to start a show stable and train Belgian Warmbloods, and other show horses. And to think no one on KH-Vids liked horses! :D
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. N
    Yup. I named my two finches Sunni (his nickname is Chi-Chi) and Snowflake (her middle name is Goigi) I think I'm to start callinh my dog Roxas because he has Roxas's hair :X. And then, I'll name Sunni 'Xemnas' and Snowflake 'Larxene'.
    Yeah, and I name the birds outside too (i.e., Taco Bell, Mango, Bebe, Pork Chop, etc.)
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. N
    Same here. One time I had such bad allergies I could barely open my eyes...that really was ugly...I think about getting Astelin a lot because I have certain times when my allergies kick up.
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. N
    Your story's interesting. But, I just wanted to remind you so you won't be in trouble. Sara posted a sticky about Polls in this forum, and that they will be removed.
    But otherwise, keep going!!
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. N
    King Mickey and Ansem the Wise were in a large room. The walls were painted ivory, and rounded bookshelves lined the walls, with thousands of copper spined books sitting on the shelves. "Ansem the Wise," King Mickey looked up at Ansem. "I know you're worried at this darkness and the Heartless, and I'd be glad to help..." There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in," Ansem the Wise said, and the door opened. Standing on the otherside was Xehanort....


    I jolted away. I kept having the same dream, and each time it got longer and longer. My name is Ally, I'm twelve-years-old, I have dark hair, and heart-shaped face, and large dark eyes. I don't know why I kept having those dreams, they just seemed so real. I walked across my wood floor, and looked at myself in my mirror. I looked the same. I smiled and ran my hands over my cheeks, my fingers shaking. I ran a brush through my thick hair and pulled it back in a low ponytail, put on sandals, a pair of jean shorts and a turquoise tee shirt.
    I went outside. My family lives on Destiny Islands, we live in a large house in the hills. The sun was rising above the ocean, making it a fiery orange. I was home-schooled, so I only got to see my friends, Riku, Sora, and Kairi after school, on vacations, and on the weekends. It was August, and the tropical birds were singing in the trees. I love animals and have an uncanny feel for them. Even the fish in shallow parts of the ocean swarmed around my legs whenever I went in.
    Sora lived down the road from me in a long low house with an overgrown garden. I lept over the tree roots uprotting the front of the house. One day that tree would pull the house up.
    "Bye, mom! I'm going out onto the island." Sora's voice called. I waited. Sora was two years older than me, but I acted more like a fifteen-year-old than my age. "Hey, Ally." Sora said, smiling at me. I smiled back. Out of the four of us I was the quietest. Sora was louder and more up-beat, while Riku was cool and proud. Kairi though, was usually the soother, she calmed all the fights down.
    Down at the beach, Riku was untying his father's blue dory from a peg in the ground. His silver hair gleamed off the sun's rays as he pulled at the rope. Kairi was sitting on the prow, her feet dangling into the warm waters. "I brought breakfast." Kairi announced, opening up a plastic tray. "Great, I had a Snickers for breakfast." Sora bit into some of the Mexican breakfast, rolling his blue eyes skyward.
    Kairi giggled and took a bite, too, while Riku started the boats motor. It chugged softly and glided over the waters. I loved the ocean. I watched as seagulls followed us, surfing the breeze as we neared our island. A school of fish made intricate patterns as they veered and jumped next to our boat. "Can fish eat salsa?" Sora asked through a mouthful of beans. "No, they'd blow up." Kairi giggled.
    "Yeah, I tried that one. Wasn't pretty." Riku said in his composed voice, his bright blue eyes fixated on steering the boat and eating. We came to the island. Riku stopped the motor, and we turned the boat by hand to the dock, letting the waves push us onto the shore. The boat hit the white sand, and we tied the dory to the pier legs, then threw off our shoes and began to play.
    "Ah, the sand feels so good!" Kairi gasped, wiggling her toes. The sand was warm from the humid evening.
    "Hey, I wanted to go look for wood. Last week's storm may have brought up some interesting things."
    "Sure, I think there's a rope and some sheets in the treehouse." I said, finishing my delicious breakfast. Kairi's mother was a great cook. Kairi shuffled through the boat, while Sora and Riku went to find wood. Riku had been planning on making a raft in July, and now we were going to do it.
    I climbed up the ladder to the tree house, and looked into the hole Sora's father had carved into the huge bark. Inside, there was a dirt covered Monopoly board game, and a white sheet with the names RSKA, written in sloppy rainbow paint on the fabric. I unpinned the sheet from the wall and grabbed the rope and swung myself down onto the beach.

    To be continued...

    How did this sound? I decided to add some of my own characters into the story, and I hope it sounded good.

    "OK!" I ran down the beach, the sand stinging my toes. It was past twelve, and the heat was rising, so I lifted my thick ponytail off my neck. The ocean waves had gotten a little higher than usual, and I saw a buildup of clouds on the horizon. Riku was standing on the beach, and I handed him the rope and sheet. "Thanks," he said, and laid twelve pieces of driftwood out. It was thick and gnarled - obviously from a downed tree. Kairi came back with a sack full of something, her rosy cheeks rosier than ever. "I found some shells, do you want to make a necklace?" she asked me. I nodded. We sat down on the prow of the dory and drove a small hole through a rainbow colored shell. It was shaped like a star, and glinted beautifully in the sunlight. I placed it around my neck and admired the way it looked. "Are we having a jewelry making contest?" Sora came back with an armload of wood, panting. "Basically, yeah." I replied handing Sora a shell and Riku one, too.
    "What's this for?" Riku asked.
    "It's our friendship charms." Kairi said.
    "Our Oathkeepers," I smiled and looked at my friends. I saw the same feeling in their eyes: that our oaths would be kept through these four necklaces.


    By sunset the raft was complete. Riku had found a long pole in his father's dory, and had clipped the sheet to it like a sail. It was now bobbing on the waves as Riku tested it. "It feels good." Riku called as he pushed the wood raft back to shore. I watched it. I wasn't one for rafts.
    "Do you think it'll be able to carry all four of us?" Kairi asked as the pulled it onto the beach.
    "Yeah, we'll be fine." he nodded confidently.
    I didn't say my doubts aloud, but it was brewing in my stomach. I don't what it was, but I always had this sense that something bad was going to happen - and my predictions usually were true.
    We got into the dory and slowed made our way back to the main island. Riku and Sora were babbling on about what was beyond home, Kairi was letting her fingers trail over the clear waters, while I stared off into the sunset. If there were other worlds out there, how come they hadn't come to us? That thought swirled through my mind. I think I was just being paranoid.
    "Who's that?" Kairi pointed ahead. On the beach was a tall, black-coated figure. The person had his face concealed by a hood, but I thought I recognized him. Organization XIII popped into my mind. "Turn the boat!" I yelled at the top of my voice as the boat began to swirl out of control. Kairi screamed as she clung to the sides of the dory, and Riku and Sora were fighting to make the boat work. But, the boat seemed to have a mind of its own. I heard a roar behind us, and looked to see a mountain of some kind of black smoke creeping towards us. "RUN!" I jumped out of the boat, the ocean water slapping my skin. The black smoke seemed to come faster than it looked, and the black-coated figure stood there, watching the whole thing. Suddenly, I was engulfed in the black smoke, and my legs were dragged down. I tried to grab something, but I was pulled in, I could barely breathe, could barely see, as the smoke pulled me in farther. Then, there was complete silence.
    Thread by: N, May 23, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. N
    I'm not is a little creepy, because I was shaking after that happened, especially when the guy came knocking on the door*shivers*.

    Thank you! Yeah, either they have a grudge against my family or something - and no, I never said anything offensive to anyone, but it might be my Grandpa, he's know for spitting in others face - but, I'm not sure. It could be just some weirdo or something who doesn't like us and we haven't done anything.
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. N
    OK, this is something I noticed over a course of time. It was something that happened and I think that some person is deliberatly doing this to my family. If you think so to reply.

    Ok, it was last year that my dog (thank goodness he's alive), Ozzie, got attacked by another dog. The first night, he was barking at someone in our backyard (we have a very big lot) and I went outside. It was at 12:00 a.m. and there's a streetlight next to my backyard. After a few minutes, something ran up the slope and over the wall.
    Then, a week later, my dog got attacked by a Germen Shepherd. The dog dragged him down the steps, but then he slipped and fell. We got my dog inside the house, and he had a large gash on his neck. I thank God that he protected my dog because he's smaller than the other dog. I then looked outside and there was the dog, and he had a collar on. I knew instantly that he (or she) was someone's dog.
    Then, a year later, my mother claimed someone came knocking on the door at 3:00 in the morning. Supposively, the same person came at 11:00 in the evening. The only evidence we found was a rock tied to fishing line on our doorknob, leading out to the street. Me and my dad saw the person's car; it was a 2007 Suzuki SUV, color sea green. The person in the car had on a beige hoodie with the hood pulled over his head.
    Even before that, a guy in a big black Tahoe drove my grandparents' house. He had the windows blacked out, but when the sun shone through the window I saw it was a man.

    I think someone is doing this on purpose; if it sounds like it to you then post because if this happens again we're going to seriously start complaining because this person may be dangerous.
    Thread by: N, May 23, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. N
    I don't know what you mean?????
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. N
    I read that thread after viewing this. Actually, a lot of people don't know that the dead don't know anything about what is happening on Earth. (I read this in the Bible but I don't know which scripture) Your body harbors your soul, and once that body that holds it dies, then God takes it to heaven. It may seem strange, but I'm sure it is true because the Lord never lies. :), I hope that both your brothers are enjoying their stay in Heaven.
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. N
    I'm home-schooled, so I have a lot of time to show horses; I'm currently going to be doing Dressage riding, but maybe a little show-jumping, too. I wondered if anyone here liked horses, because I have horse books cultured all over my room (not to mention Kingdom Hearts :D).
    Thread by: N, May 23, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  20. N
    Very good. Otherwise for having a few run-on sentences, it is very interesting.
    Post by: N, May 23, 2007 in forum: Archives