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  1. N
    FM+ is actually just a remix of the KH II game so most of the scenes are going to be the same and you'll see Axel die again...*sobs and sweatdrops*. Sad but true - and anyways, that looks like an airplane engine! :D
    Post by: N, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. N
    *Sigh*. If only FM+ didn't cost $70 I would have bought it with my birthday check, but I spent most of it on my riding clothes...
    Post by: N, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. N
    Where did you hear this? From a magazine or from a person? I'll have to leaf through my Ultimania.
    Post by: N, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. N
    OMG :eek: I was just looking through my Ultimania and when you go to the canyon where the secret movie takes place (with Sora, Donald, and Goofy), and fight the armored soldier, in the picture the Japanese characters names is 'Xehanort'. Now, I'm not sure if this is true but if someone knows if it is true or not - POST ASAP. Because this may be some valuable information on FM+.
    Thread by: N, Jun 1, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. N
    I would SO totally lose. I've played Poker on my grandma's computer card games but I waste to much money...LOL. :D, I'm pretty good at Euchre and Pitch though. ;)
    Post by: N, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. N
    Weird...what do you think causes it? Are we thinking to much about KH or something...?
    Post by: N, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. N
    Last night, I had the wierdest dream. The first dream was that it was really dark and I couldn't find my dog in my house. I was yelling my dog's name and then I started saying 'Roxas'. I then looked outside (in my dream) and saw Roxas in his Organization coat with the hood on in my front lawn. Then, my dream switched to this other thing where I had a sky blue Keyblade with stars and thunderhead clouds on it (it was a beautiful Keyblade), and I found this monster that was called 'Heat'. I then battled this monster Heat with the Keyblade.
    I don't know why I had those dreams, but I had been looking through my FM+ Ultimania that day and it might have triggered it. Does anyone else have this problem?
    Thread by: N, May 31, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. N
    I would have saved Axel (89%), Roxas (70%), Xemnas (50%), Saix (99%), Larxene (12%), Xaldin (0%), Xigbar (1%), and so on. I guess I would have saved them all because they're really cool. :D
    Post by: N, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. N
    Well, I love them all!! Especially Xemnas, Larxene, Marluxia, Axel, and Roxas!! ;D
    Post by: N, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. N
    Yeah, that happened to me about three times. I was lying in my bed, and I woke up and I tried to move but I couldn't, and I tried to call my mom but I couldn't even speak! I was freaked out!!!!!
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. N
    Ok, this is something that happened to me last year:

    My mother's mother's father died in December 2006, and I was in my mom's bedroom, sitting on the bed, when I saw this pale figure in the bathroom. I looked over and it waved at me, then disappeared. I felt that is was his spirit saying good-bye to me (I'm a Christian), because I didn't know him to well. *I'm crying as I write this*. It more touching than scary...
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  12. N
    Yes. We habor spirits within our bodies. When we die, the body we lived in dies but our spirit does not. Death is not something you know. It is like falling alseep; you will never know. We will all return to God like we were meant to. OUR spirits never die, the bodies that hold them do. Your flesh is weak, but your spirit isn't. And, when you die, you will not know anything about what is going on down on Earth, because this place is corrupt. We were meant to live forever, but because of sin we are born and die because of these inperfect bodies. The world will die. This whole universe will die.
    It is all because of sin, and if you can't understand, try and find the scripture that explains this in the Bible.

    The body that you live in is dead. But you aren't. I can understand if you are not a religious person, but I would like for people to understand: Death is not a scary thing. It is a peaceful thing. You feel no pain and never know you die. You do exist, but since the people that are living don't see how others do (and are not religious), they think that you die and that's the end.

    I know you're confused. But God is a logical being, just because we can't see him or touch him doesn't mean he's not real.
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. N
    I've had millions of deja vus. You know, I always wonder "how does your brain do this?". I asked my grandmother this and she told me it was a gift, like you said. It's just a unusual talent that God has given me and the other people who have it. It is not something you should feel creeped out about, or weird about. But, you have two ways to use it: will you use it for GOOD or BAD? I chose to use it for good. Just because I have these visions doesn't mean I have to be a fortune teller. We should all be proud of this talent. I am.
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. N


    I felt the same way. I can never go around people because they get jealous of me just because I'm beautiful (it's true. That's why I'm home-schooled). I never had any friends, and the only one I had moved to Corona in my home state of California. And everyone was always asking me, 'are you black?', or 'are you from the middle east?'. It's annoying.
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. N
    I believe nature should take its course, too. I think why they show that is because the world is 90% more violent then it was - all the movies are rated R and are gorey and unapproiate. Animals are beautiful things, they shouldn't show tigers kill a deer. That is not what nature is all about. They are telling people that those tigers are bad and that they need to be killed. That is NOT true. And some people even think animals are stupid, and they aren't. They may not be able to do all the things that we do, but they're much smarter than you think. And people shouldn't even be around them if they don't really care - do the cameramen care? I don't really think they do.
    And, animals have to live and eat. But, it is their private business what they want to eat, why do you have to go and record it? I mean, people are the #1 cause of animals becoming extinct. They are destroying the world with these horrible machines, and they need to put a stop to those foreign countries killing elephants and lions, and so on. They also need to see housing developers from buying up land - the mountain lions and hawks won't have anywhere to hunt.
    It hurts me to see that, the only nature show I watch is 'Planet Earth', because it is not as gorey as those others.
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. N
    OMG, I had a bad bout of allergies yesterday. My nose is still raw around the edges from rubbing on it with a hand towel. I think it's because it's summer in California and the trees are pollenating...
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. N
    People change a lot. Especially as you get older and your personality starts coming out. Now that you're in high-school you're becoming adults, and when you get in the stage then you start looking at people in a different way. When you were in elementary school, she probably wasn't worried about how many other friends you had, but now that you're in high-school, she's starting to notice and is probably questioning 'do you like me?' or 'am I weird?'. It's simple the life-cycle of humans.
    Before I was taken out of public school, I had a friend at this Christian school. We could talk to each other, but then later on in the school year we had an arguement. After that there was a lot of animosity between us.
    All I'm trying to say is that people never stay the same. From what you're saying, I can pretty much say that she might have a little jealous side and is a possesive person.
    Post by: N, May 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. N
    It was just a thought :P
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. N
    Level up to at least 10 levels higher than reccommended (found that usual for the Organization XIII battles)
    Stock up a lot on Potions, then you won't have to scrounge around.
    Equip your fighting abilites (including Aerial Finish, that really killed everything off)
    Make sure that you have on defensive and strength raising equipment (helps a lot), including the element resistance ones.

    Use the first Keyblade you got, it's not very strong.
    Depend on Donald and Goofy to heal you that much, most likely if you wait around you'll die.
    Go into a battle unprepared.
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  20. N
    But I hope they do! Wouldn't it be cool if everytime you went to McDonald's you see Axel and Kairi and Sora on the front of everything?
    Post by: N, May 24, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX