At Lake Bresha? Yeah she's all like " YOU CAN'T DO EVERYTHING!" and POW he's down, then he get up, POW.
hey what's up?
You like Lightning? and Zack too..... Anyways... Hello, How are you?
Vanille is like okay i geuss, but i was real shocked when i found out Hope and Vanille weren't Bro and Sis. Think Van likes Hope?...
Muggle ****ing troll **** snape!
I won't attack you, but if you'll POP let me POP talk! POP *falls down again*
Yup. Hope is awesome, but Sazh is cool too.
mhmmm okay.
Can you guess mine? =D
Bother bother bother bother bother both- avada kedavra!!!
Still do. My uncle rented it for me.
It's fine man. Hey checking out Social stammer PERIOD.
Thanks, I designed my Signature, found the Avatar online.
I talk to her alot, your responses are usually right in front of my nose dude. Don't hate man.
Do you only do KH stuff?
I noticed you stammer alot around Tifa ^.^
Did you ever get my V.M.?
I'm fine, thanks. I found this picture from online. [IMG] like my avatar and signature?
Hey what's up?
Alright *pumps fist* cool. same here. can't talk that much *THAT MUCH* but i can talk a little till my friend drags me off his comp.