Okay, well, I don't know if you'll be on here for two more ours, but I'll see you later okay?
Well I have Creative Thinkin now, see you later...
Sleep wel okay? Talk to you later.
She is still online you know... * Is talking to her* Hey, is it also morning where you live, or isn't it?
Well, yeah, I would be glad about that to if I was up untill the other day. But chatting with other people is too much fun. >3<
Yeah, that's something everybody would do... How was the rest of your day?
Its thursday, If I'm right...So I don't know what day it is at your home...
Oh, your friend is really lame (is he still your friend) I would ignore someone like that for the rest of my life...
The Netherland, Its 10.58 am here, so my day is just starting...
I'm fine, a bit bored but that's normal... My art was a compleet fail. ( the taecher said I could do better) Anyways, something special happened...
So, what are you doing? Is it very late there?
Yes, I do, XP, but only for a week or two now...
Hello there, how are you?
I'm fine, how are you?
Thank you, have a nice day!
Okay, but sorry I have to go. Drawning lessons, see you later, ok?
Ah, I know her, not personal but, yes I know her...
Maybe? I don't know a lot of people here...So it could be possible...
Aww, that's sad, maybe he/she is sleeping or something...
Hehe, XP So... I'm so bored.....