\ Oh, so that's what this is.
WHAT IS PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l
That's pretty sick. Use whichever definition makes you happy.
No one messes with adam wii.
Yes, a kick to the balls solves everthing. Get an F on your english test? Give your teach a kick to the nads.
o-m-g guys dont flame eachother csuse it'll make the mods angry.
Neither did I. iluvu.
I don't know
Eat more beef.
Yes, random people on an online forum care about things of this nature.
Dude, these poll things are for people with a ******ed sense of humor, nothing serious.
rofl racist.
Meh.... 9001
I admit that it is a hobby of mine.
I should be on all of them. Because that's how I roll. And yeah, you were on like.... 2 I think.
Read the rules and don't piss of SJ I guess?
Post alot and read the rules.
Welcome and have fun.
Welcome. Read the post and rules alot.
God, I hate them all so much, it's hard to choose.