Not as much as I was exploiting the chance to post that GIF. >:3
I'd say he's enjoying it.
I should make a .txt dictionary on this kind of stuff for you. But yes, god inference. Skank doesn't really refer to prostitute, as much as it does a ****. BTW: Nice all ages thread we got going up in here.
Oh my-SEX. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT SEX. jk, though. She would be a major skank if that were true. DX I've come to the conclusion that people in Bermuda are completely cut off from popular phrases and terms used in everyday culture.
Wait, you threw her in the water? Dude, that water must be co- *just remembered where you live* Oh. Nevermind D: Still though, saltwater doesn't taste particularly good. You are so naive. X3
She obviously wanted some action. :\ You shouldn't have let your femalephobia get in the way. xp
hmmm....discouraged might be better terminology then. >3>
Crab x Ant x Bushbaby [for the eyes] = Spider
Judging by where my character is going, I'm feeling risky. Hopefully I won myself some time by stealing Roxas' heart from Xaldin earlier.
That's what spices the forum.
Assuming you mean Mandarin....? 11068
Curry is like can get it anywhere. 11062
Curry is very popular in Japan and associating countries, but yeah it doesn't originate from there. 11059
Curry is Indian.... 1055
I find this so amusing. You don't even know. XD Yes, actually we are. It started here, and hasn't ended yet. >:3 The Fallen: WIN AND GOD
Soul Meets Body ~ Death Cab for Cutie
Quote feature, do you use it? Quite helpful when replying to a specific person. Since your post was directly following mine, I could only assume it was referring to mine in said statements. .....Is English your first language?
Yeaaah, okay then. ...Considering how completely oblivious you were to what I just said I'd say you're being rather hypocritical.
Pointless Thread Go