thinks Jesus Christ IS the only way to life P.S. He is
crap darn photobucket.
Lol face my [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Got me there =^o
No problem. what did you get distracted by? bw i think your allowed 2 images as Prem
knows someone who keeps saying im daring (yay secrecy!)
okay this is wierd i don't know wether your ofline or what.
Hello? you there?
*draws 20 feet long buster sword.*
.....*avada kedavra and O.C.G. falls down dead*
although Like Snape *lsitenin too* is a close call.
it IS pretty funny. I like AVADA KEDAVRA more.
I try not to Necrobump, but its hard for me to understand dates like 06-25-10
*headdesk headdesk headdesk gets new battery* AVADA KEDAVRA! *music plays* ahhh crap no.... *voldemort comes up* I AM LORD VOLDEMORT!
... i forgot how to make signatures after I made a few....can someone refresh my memory?We wiped our harddrive recently too.....i had a memo on there.
....AVADA KEDAVRA! *wand droops*....maybe this thing is outta charge.....
You gonna use it or stick with Zack? it's fine by me if ou don't ^.^
......*draws wand* AVADA KEDAVRA! *bbbbbbzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
Like Snape, Avada Kedavra, and With love you can dance without any pants on!