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  1. eentje
  2. eentje
    Xd, Kubo, I like your answer. Anyway, we all just have to live with Beaver, till some old mad kidnaps him that is...
    Post by: eentje, Nov 11, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. eentje
  4. eentje
  5. eentje
  6. eentje
    Themn why is it in the sign of the Keyblade Graveyard? Explain that to me and I'll agree with you. His crown pendant is the one and only thing that always keeps coming back in his outfits. Exept for Atlantica that is...
    Post by: eentje, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. eentje
  8. eentje
  9. eentje
  10. eentje
    Yeah, could be. It's all a big mistery. And why not, otherwise, everybody would have a Keyblade...
    Post by: eentje, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. eentje
  12. eentje
  13. eentje
    Thank you! I'm going to listen to it right now...
    Post by: eentje, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. eentje
    Profile Post

    Hi thar! How are you?

    Hi thar! How are you?
    Profile Post by eentje for anarchy666, Nov 10, 2010
  15. eentje
    I like it when a song has meaning. It doesn't matter what its about...
    @Reptar; For me its mostly drawning and painting, but my school says its also dance and music. I can't do music and I can't dance so I stick with those first two.
    @rikusorakairiown; Thank you very much! An emotion is also inspiration.
    Post by: eentje, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. eentje
    It is proved within the Xehanort reports (BBS) that you have to touch a Keyblade to wield it. Riku touched Terra's Keyblade, Kairi touched Aqua's and Sora unconciencly (don't know if I spelled that right) touched Ven's Keyblade. So that's how they all got one...
    Post by: eentje, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. eentje
  18. eentje
  19. eentje
  20. eentje
    Profile Post

    Bya, have a nice day!

    Bya, have a nice day!
    Profile Post by eentje for anarchy666, Nov 9, 2010