If you would buy a figure, which one would it be ( from everything)
Oh, okay, XP and about your new profile style... Eminem!!!! Goes happy....
Nah, sad, anyway, you can friend me or such, than we can talk later on...
About 3, If you are tired, you could try to get some sleep...
Hello there Luxemborger! I'm Dutch, so hello there, neighbor!
Ah, they dont have that, its a shame though... I could buy Axel...
Yes, indeed.... So help me decide which figure I should get next...
Ok, so I think I'm gonna make pictures with Christmas decoration, XP
Chat with me, I'm bored .....
Ah, sorry, if i was unclear, I don't have him yet, he will be here around Christmas. ( I know, very fitting)
Ah, worked up, what have you done? Anyway I'm doing fine, hehe
Ow, look at hard to reach spots within the game. They apear in every world, but only at places you usually don't visit. (like a hidden spot within Neverland)
Hey, hello there, how are you doing?
Okay, I'm going to make him look very Sora-ish, XP. And he will get spoiled, because all my figures get spoiled, XP
Ah, yes, I was waiting for the right one... And I decided I wanted to buy the Christmas Sora. So that one will be my first....
I know, from the ending, but yeah, Sora's my fave character, so I had to have that picture... (someday I will have all his figures)
As if your Keyblades aren't awesome, Xp
Thank you, but its just Sora's cuteness, I've done nothing to make him look cute or such...
Hi, how are you doing? I know I already asked but still.
Yes, I will be online, I'm free from school today, Xp