I tried to listen to Duvet by Boa, but my earphones are broken...
Yes I know, and I felt sad for the other doll becuase I didn't love her... I get a connection with almost everything I own. I even named my Laptop
Woon naast een dijk.... Ook wel grappig maar ja Scheveningen... Ooit heb ik geneg geld en vehuis ik daarheen...(droom droom...)
I had a face ( a Dark Elf Soo) and I was giving her face-ups over and over. But I didn't get a bond with her so I sold her... Its really weird...
Gelderland de beste, XP, nee hoor, ik zou veel liever in Scheveningen wonen...
Good! Hehe, I really like you, hehe! Shame you don't have pictures of Namin though...
Doesburg (dicht bij Arnhem...)
Yesh, it work, XP. KH-vids rocks....
Hey, your online! How are you?
Yes, I know that, but the spots where the are change all the time... Its not like it is decided where they will show up, they just do...
Okeej dan, gezellig, waar woon je?
So, I'm bored, what do you usually do when you are? And how bored are you now?
Yesh, Typos can do!
You are all thinkin to hard, the Prize Pods appear in weird spots where you don't come that easilly or simply dont think about. I got them with Terra when I was standing within the fountain at the castle gates in Cinderella's world. And I also got tthem by clymbing a palmtree wit Ven in Neverland. (after Mermaids Lagoon)
So, after reading this topic I can't keep quit... Sakura, I barely know you but I think you should listen to these people. They care about you and they love you. I never had to much friends, but here on this forum, I feel completely at home. You have to look around and open your eyes... I mean, even people who don't know you don't want you to leave! And I think that that means we care about you. So please read these messages and please think about it. Even if the people here are not close, they love you...
I'm doing absolutely nothing, and still feeling bored...
Ah, hello there new friend! I hope you enjoy it here!
As an answer to your qeustion, he is the one and only rapper I will ever listen to...
I'm going people! Talk to you later!
I'm still bored, how are you doing?