Rofl at the pen!s.
Meh, everything seems to flow very nicely. But, I personally think you should throw a cloud stock in there and lower the opacity a bit. Not your best, not your worst.
The blue on the left and right are kinda bleh, but the rest looks cool.
needs moar clip masking D<
i no i lurve it.
Shikamarus Shadow was the best mod.
La Sofa ftw!
r u shure?
That's always fun.
whose ctr?
La Sofa all da wai :D
my vote goes to sj
i dont get it.
Shrooms ?
rofl. like. no.
no flow, no lighting, effects are getting old, repitious, stock is low quality, and the neg space is overwhelming. All the effects are crammed over there in that little corner, and nothing makes sense here. get some floral brushes and brush in the direction where you want everything to flow, add a clip mask, and displace that. Add a drop shadow, burn it in places, whatever you wanna do. Then, apply image and carve out some shapes, displace if you want, do whatever. get some splatter brushes, and make it flow, and make it come from behind the effects, but on the render. Maybe add a stock and lower opacity for a bg, and re color everthing so it's not all monotone. I think that would have made more sense in this situation. all i'm trying to say is.... experiment.