Me too. just kidding.
Bahamas >>>>>>>> Disney World Yeah, I don't envy you much. :\ American ocean water is the nast.
It depends mostly on the company who's suiting the script and hiring the actors. It's the people who license it that really make or break it. Even so, I don't watch any dubbed anime anymore. The way I see it, if you understand the language than it's better to watch the original cut. Thank god I know it too because 4chan says whoever is dubbing Gurren Lagann is taking ages. :\
JUN KICK GO Would someone please explain to me how the animators thought they could pull scenes off like that without completely contradicting the storyline...? I mean, they're really defeating the whole 'trap' concept. Toasty, Sora won't get in. It's inevitable, thank lawd. And if he did, I don't think Chuck Norris would be accepted. :\
Delete sh1t. Naw duh. Unless you're downloading some ghey crap like Naruto you won't have tons of episodes. Good anime isn't ridden with fillers. Addtionally, unless you have a HDD with 10 GB or something, it doesn't take up that much space. You don't need to keep every anime saved on your computer anyway. Lu Bu: Yes, it is fair. It's their site, they can do whatever the hell they want to with it. They never promised you anything.
Sorry, we aren't in a 4chan thread where some dude is talking about his loli imouto. :3 Roxllen: I pity you so.
....How so? FAIL FOR LOGGING OFF RIGHT WHEN I ASKED YOU xP Meh, I should probably got to... I need to get up in 2 1/2 hours and still need to shower. So yeah, g'night.
Today was kind of a fvckwin for me. I skipped band and went to hang out in the library with Alec during his Journalism class. I guess my teacher didn't find it suspicious that I had been there for all my other hours. [lawl] So he didn't ask anyone from the office to look for me in the school. I thought I was safe. Unfortunately, when Paige and are walking through the hallway we run right into him. OH SHI- "Where were you during 6th hour Wind Ensemble?" "The library..." "Well that's where you'll be for the rest of the year during my class." *he turns back around* *I perform silent screams of joy and victory poses* On the upside, I actually have an excuse to skip band. However, I don't think I get any class participation points for playing MUGEN in the library. Not like I can fail this class this late in the year anyway though.... And no, I have nothing to say regarding you suicide attempt.
Xaren, this is going to sound mean, but your avatar is the biggest eyesore I've seen in the entirety of my life. :\ 10153
Seriously? X3 On that note, I'll just throw in Watarase Jun in there too. Yeah, I really don't think Kingdom Hearts should come into SSB. It just doesn't work. ...Hmmm...I really want to say Ingrid in her lolita outfit, but I don't know if Nintendo would be content with that much provocativeness. :\
If you watch all your anime on youtube, than you must be pretty fvcktarded. :\ Quality sucks arse, you have to watch it in parts, sometimes whole episodes aren't even on there....yeah. Just download it. And if you can't understand Japanese there are always sites that sub.
Needs less border. D:
Seme? You get to be the uke Xaldin. XD
Pink is the color of pantsu I wear when I'm horny. lol, Not really. Man, I need to stop internet skanking... [I felt the need to post in some sexeh color]
Yes, I'm curious as to why they would also. :\
*swoons* Stop that. You know what that color does to me. ;o
...Except for the part where she isn't online...Or just invisible. blarakdjhakjnv
It used to air on FOX, seasons over now though. Won't return until August or something. 10057
Oh my god, am I the only one on this forum who watches Heroes? :\ Also: Mac <3
His first name is actually Naota. Takun is just Mamimi's nickname for him.