This is better suited in the Role Playing section.
I *have* to say it: MURK LOAR
There was one earlier...she hasn't said anything yet as far as I know.
Le slowpoke.
OMFG you're right. I can honestly say though I never got one. I didn't see the value in a yellow piece of rubber. :\
Ask 4chan. Or better yet, the entire country of Japan.
Nice timing. It's okay Roxas, I'm not going be a cvnt about it. lol, I wasn't horrified. I was having a conversation on the phone. ;p
I do believe I would. Unless you buzzed it. I may kill myself. D:
It's actually a pretty gory anime, but in the beginning the main female character is pretty much naked the whole time.
KH-Vids.Net Forum > Fun and Games > The Spam Zone/Playground *ahem*
Oh stop. ;p Like an internet wedding is even significant. :\
Well, the first time it happened to me I was actually posting a new thread, so I don't think it's restricted to simply being in a thread.
So am I. *stares at audience* Regardless of the awkwardness.
Son? Okay, seriously, there has got to be some incest going on here. XD
You can be Mish's partner in the femDOM. >: D Nevermind. D: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
XD The Fallen: He never loved you anyway. (`3´) BTW: I like how this is happening without Darky's consent. :3
Who the fvck is Johnny Deep? :\
Photobooket for Lith. :3
XD I'm expecting great things from this thread.
Getting married on a forum via intarwebz. At least it's someone hawt.