Nice orchid you got thar <3 I should have had 4chan on the screen when I took this pic XD
Updated. (*3*) Aqua Kairi Larxene Marluxia Namine Non-player character #6 [lol] Olette Random shop keeper
Fsck. Yeah, I guess there are really only 6. Should we count Aqua?
Yeah, her name is Gandalf. :3 An old picture of other cat, Meronpan
Random picture I took a minute ago. :3 11739
You can blame that on Nomura for making virtually no female characters ;o.
I watched it. Why do they always have to add those cheese arse sounds? lol @ the comment: "whys it always the japanese" LOL
Okay, tell me what it' is before I click it because I really don't feel like getting too freaked out. I was already in a /b/ creepy thread once today.
I'm going to say OP is a hetero male, because obviously it doesn't make much sense to open up a poll for this since most* of the straight guys are going to say they dislike it. Of course, I could say the same thing about your yuri. ;3 *edited for accuracy
....Are you thinking of Simoun?
I believe it's called a nautilus, not sure. Today after school we had an outing for my marine biology class.
Flawless logic, if I do say so myself.
Are you kidding? I bring bottle rockets to class on a daily basis. @ inane rules
Is date sum tentacle raep? XD
XD GAIJIN 4KOMA PLUS INVERT *Oh, GameFAQ forums, you rock too hard*