It's okay, but you made Kairi look sort of emo.
He was looking for Sephiroth so he could get rid of his own darkness. Zack doesn't exist in the Kingdom Hearts universe. Nor will the next Kingdom Hearts be called 'Kingdom Hearts 3'.
What a completely idiotic and pointless thread. -_-
No, not really. Pokemon has gotten so lame that I don't even care what they look like anymore.
Tatakau Mono Tachi - Nobuo Uematsu
Dude, you are SO awesome. These are like perfect.
That was quite interesting. Although I've seen a video by apulapul that was a little faster. :P
Oh gosh, I remember that from this morning. I right-clicked very rapidly.
Hello, Destined...your name is too long. D: I will call you DtMC, okay? >_> Welcome to KHV, read up on the rules and recent stickies. Thank you.
And this is a post from a premium member.
They cheated for the Ultima Weapon. It's completely impossible to get the Ultima Weapon before then because some of the Orichalcon+ are after that.
Numb - Linkin Park
First Death Note Theme
The legend of MAX - DDR
I'm sorry to hear that.