Emo Kid - Adam and Andrew... o___0 I'm not emo.
You use Elements? >_> Well, the size detracts from the sig. The text placement and font could be altered. Arcanine blends, so that's a plus. 5/10 (Any of the three CS FTW)
I find that quite amusing since my friend is trying to accomplish that. I, of course, do not understand the Grid.
White Night True Light - Shunichi Miyamoto
J-E-N-O-V-A - Nobuo Uematsu
It was okay the first time, and I actually enjoyed it. But my sister and my little cousin made me watch it OVER and OVER. It got so annoying after a while.
Don't be afraid...in your pants... o___0
Don't be afraid (Orchestrated) - FFVIII OST
I like evolving a Missingno. into a Kangaskan that knows Fly and putting it on Pokemon Stadium. ;D
The Corrupted - KHII OST
Atlantica was SO hard to navigate through and the Deep Jungle was just a pain in the ***.
May I suggest getting a glitch Mew to pass your boredom?
Different keyblades have different physical characteristics. The Kingdom Key is DEFINITELY blunt. I've seem that most of the Keyblades seem to be slicers.
So, you're bored to death?
Depends on the mood I'm in. Generally, I'm calm which is Twilight Town. Other times, I become dark...like TWTNW...I think. Seriously.
You simply smash your head on something else, silly.
I don't date storybook characters. I'm more into reality. ^_^
Don't know them. *shrugs*