RoxasxNamie AkuRoku ...Did I post here yet?
Ris- Means Roxas_is_Hot, but people perfer to call me Ris instead. So Ris it is. =D
Sister, actually. XD You're kidding...she's getting rid of VIDEO GAMES?! What the hell would that do?!
Who the fux keeps kicking meh out of the chat?!? D<
Yup. I'm glad I'm not the only one who cried there.
Mmm, it was worth a try. T_T
No no no no no no NO! Even if I'm not allowed to vote quite yet, I think she would make Bush look like the best president yet. She's even used her cleavage to get more votes. Ugh, I wouldn't vote for her if my life depended on it. If people don't get any brains soon, she'll obviouly outvote the other candidates. Then stocks and everything will just shoot down to hell in a handbasket. Do I smell upcoming taxes? Nope.
Meh, join the club.
That's exactly what I did. Just make sure you have a few Potions and stuff on you, just in case.
Sheesh, never knew kids could be so obsessed with Mickey D's anymore.
Yeah it is kinda weird, but some doesn't make sense.
Meh, it's called Plot No Jutsu.
I disagree. Yeah, video games can certanly spell it out for others, but I don't think they'd turn into an Athiest from it. I didn't.
Press left/right. Should this be locked, then?
Thankies, Sara! ^^ Edit: Crap, who bumped this?
The sequels always fail.
Erm...didn't you make a topic of this before? Or is my computer acting weird again?
None to me? ;.; Heh, kidding. Have fun! :D
Boys don't get it. Liarh! :yelling: Yeah, some get PMS more than others. :P
Aww, why didn't you like it? :nono: