Nobody else should either... I see the point of campaigning for pedophileage is pointless. I don't think anyone would be THAT sick. But...
Has the attacks died down a bit?
Ugh, people like that make me sick...good thing he's locked up.
Agreed. Who the hell thought a CHURCH would be the one to do something like that?
I'll be sure to do that when I'm bored. >.> Jerk...
I heard something about her writing a little part of the Epilogue more, but that's about it. I say she's done. Unfortunately.
It's far from right. I lost respect for those who say otherwise. Huh. Cancelling a memorial for a Veteran because he's gay. That's pretty damn low in my eyes. Damn, people like that PISS ME OFF.
Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forums! Post lots, don't spam, and have a cookie!
DS explains it here.
Alright. Thanks for fixing the problem DS!
I've tried before, and it sucked...
Roxas my soxas. ^^
Gaara Dies made me laugh so hard. He finally got the crap he deserved. XD
One of my first KHV friends!
No. Probably by someone's early stages of life, their chances at becoming an "Innocent" have gone down the tube. If someone's to be a pure innocent, they must have commited no crime, from murder to a simple white lie. The chances of someone being an Innocent is very unlikely.
:woohoo: I did it! :D
XD I was hoping you'd knock. More please. ^^
:woohoo: More Roxas! That totally made my day! Thankies for the news, Xaldin.
^ Agreed. Should this be locked?
You're joking...a 4th grader got POT?! Yeah, I have to agree that kids are getting exposed to stuff that they really shouldn't get their noses into yet (that's a reall good example) It's life nowadays.