>.> Shutting up now.
You should change the mod colors to hawt pink. It would show-off their SKILLZ.
Who's that one person who you absolutely adore/role-model off of/look up to? I do hope nobody tries to look exactly like them though. >.> Mah daddy's mine. XD
hobo with a
You kick *** for this. XD I'm lovin' it.
Agreed! :yelling: Much better than yellow. I thought I was banned when I first saw it. XD
and got a bowl-cut
Don't even mention school... >.>
Haven't really seen around much, but awesome all the same. =D
What did I do? O_o
I was very satisfied. There was plenty of stuff in that book I wasn't expecting whatso-freakin'-ever. Rowling, you've done it again. The movie should be pretty damn hot.
With an ax
I shall! >D
This just makes me think more that religion should be taken off the air. FOR FU(KING GOOD. I can't see how the hell that could offend anyone. Damn little bastards. (I love your sig Mirai)
I don't care as long as I stay a duck.
Who was angel before? :mellow: I'm quite slow, thank you.
:bored: Never in any of these. I need to post actual crap less and spam more. XD
Then I'd go get a Bowl-cut of Youth and eat some cotton candy. :3
I was forced to watch the first 10 minutes of HSM. It was disgusting. T_T I'd rather jump off a cliff than be forced to watch that BS again. DX I missed some Naruto too...
XDD Aweeeesome.