I have a furball of a dog named Ozzie. He just won't sit still - but he's the sweetest thing in the world. (I call him Ozmo for some reason :D)
Spiders, wasps, bees and that lot scare the *** out of me! I like butterflies and lady bugs and all those pretty bugs. OMG. Wrong idea. Wasps are like the demons of hell. NEVER MAKE ONE MAD OR YOU WILL PAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sara, what happened to her? Is she okay? I PM her a week ago and she hasn't responded. I hope nothing happened to her....is she on vacation or something?
LOL. People are so funny. :D
Yeah. I eat a lot of things so I grow fast and I think I got it from my mom's side of the family because they're tall. Thanks, lookaheartless.
Here's me in my horse riding clothes (I'm going to be showing) I'm pretty tall for my age, I think I'm almost 5 feet 4 inches....if that's tall for a 12 year old girl.
YUP. Twelve. Turned 12 on May, 19th. :D
People think I'm my mom on the phone or my grandma because I don't have a high-pitched voice.
Is that a Kill Bill outfit you have on, Alice?
I'm twelve-years-old. How old do I look? People think I'm 14.
Some of these people on here don't even look like what I expected...:)
Oh, wow! Thanks.
Thank you! I just did that right now. (Who would think I loved horses?)
FireNanaki, should I ask for this to be closed or something? It looks like it's getting bad....
Here's me And no, I don't wear makeup on my eyes and I don't have hair extensions. :D
Yeah. Not your average neighbor would do that unless he had a mental illness or something. But they shouldn't even do it because I feel like it's giving people ideas, too, for the crazy ones.
It's called 'misreading the topic and bringing in something totally different because of a simple, unknown mistake'. That's all I have to say.
I had three Beta, Bui (Bu - i pronounced) Ito (I - tou pronounced), Puka (Puu - ka pronounced), and Kyushi (Ki - u - shi pronounced). Bui died of some fungus on his lungs Ito got stepped on, Puka jumped down the sink drain, and Kyushi just died of natural causes. Sad but true. *sighs*
Who knows....
I'm speechless.......................................................................................................................................what did they give that thing?! Are we getting mutant PIGS now!