I hate the Phantom boss in Neverland, he kept killing me! And, I hated the devil thing in the End of the World, but I beat him. I had a hard time with Dark Riku and Melificent's dragon. But, I won the game over.
What I want to know, what kind of pains are you having? Are they sharp, soft, or kind of on-off? And what area of your chest is it? Is it near your neck or on your breast bone where your lungs are? Or is it more to where your heart is located?
THEY SHOULD NOT MAKE A RIDE...THEY SHOULD MAKE A....(Mind my hyperness :p) KINGDOM HEARTS I AND II THEME PARK!!!!!!!!!! I would so totally go, who agrees with me?!
There was another thread on this somewhere... I'd be Marly...I luv roses.
Sephy owned me in KH II and the first. Gurr....hatez you Sephiroth!
Well, I still believe Xemnas could do it if he unless his POWER! :D That'd be cool - Dark Xemnas who kills anything in sight. He would pwn all! Mwahahahaha.....ow....my head...anyways, I root for XEMNAS! :D XDXDX
Because, as Saix stated: "The heartless ally with whoever is the strongest." They're the strongest so they go with em and Xemnas is using them to get hearts from Sora. Hope that explained something somewhat. :3
Awwww...come on people, give Xemmy a chance. *Runs over and hugs Xemnas*. Poor thing! Nobody believes he can stand a chance against Sephiroth!
I'm frustrated...... I don't know why but everytime I get out I want to run or kick somebody.....I'm not sure if this is pent-up anger towards the world because I still am timid around people. Also, I'm really sensitive so I cry and then I get mad easily..... And I have a terrible headache. What am I feeling. I'm really confused....
Hmmm......questions like that kind of take a little human anatomy research....which I don't like....much more interested in just watching the animals and keepin' myself healthy - hey, maybe we need to stress eating right much more...I've been thinking about becoming vegetarian.
Can you explain more clearly what you are trying to say?
At least you're not being snippy, Mirai. I have a terrible headache so I might blow up at someone if I get irritable....bear with me. Yes, anyways, the reason why most christians don't believe in Genesis is because of stupid society's theories. I wish I could kick a scientist, they're are so weird...gurrr, my head....I need Tylenol.... Okay, everyone....I'm going to ask for this to be deleted...it's not because I'm being defensive but I see a lot of other forums like this one and I see no one is understanding where I'm going. So have a nice day and I have Tylenol at home so don't worry 'bout that. If you have a headache you probably feel like me. Later................no more posts please, thanks.
Libregkd, why are you leaving?
I guess. It was just some questions I had. And (not to you Darky) if you're a Christian, have you ever read the beginning of the bible? I mean, it's not very hard to miss. Just read Genesis. Am I supposed to be wrong because I do not believe in what you believe?
Lol. No, it's just a shortened term for bandages but it's kind of a mouthful and they aren't like the bandages you wrap around a large wound or a broken limb. It's for minor stuff likes small burns and cuts.
Your friend is just selfish, honey. Selfish friends or big-heads only care about one thing and they won't stop until they get it.
When you're dealing with one-minute friends like this, practice saying it in your head. Don't be rude about it but be very calm and assertive. Tell her nicely that she's been treating you inconsideratly and that you would like to end the friendship on a positive note. Tell her that you really wanted to be friends but you saw it wasn't working out and that you'd like to break it off without an argument or a fight. You'll feel much better instead of telling her off and giving her the finger.
Well, who'd even believe Nessy was real? If he is he's a pretty ugly thing!:p
Pretty good :3. Liked the song.
I'm a curious person, bear with my curious questions. Maybe next time I'll ask God to show me. :3 Thanks anywas, White_Rook I suggest you think about a career in science. You sound so much like a science teacher!!!!!!:D