Wait, real name or user name? .... You should get both changed. :D
Do eet. Oh wait, you can't. e_e you need to post more. The time requirement is long past fulfilled, you just need posts. Also, get over to GT, I wanna watch MTNN before I have to go call the dead girl back. :/
*Flails* I PMed Catch the Rain to change my name~ Cra cdemm cbaygc Al Bhed fedr sa. ^_^ I am in school, or well, I'm at home right now, I just have lunch break at the moment.
Well we where messing around with that. That's about it. I wasn't. That was my reply. Anyway, if he wants to know, he should ask directly at least. I gotta sleep. Night.
OOC: I agree. :/ That's just a little to far Lar-Lar. Vash smiled back "Thanks" he looked to Sky and Koain, then to the passed out kid "he's still alive" Sighing, he walked over "with all that's happened, maybe we can still save one person. Come one, we need to get out of here, I can eat later"
You've never heard of a ouija board? http://www.thecenter2000.com/html/Ouija/board.jpe Still oblivious I see. Does NOTHING get though? I would think that given what I've said, over the course of at least a year (has it really been such a long time?) there would be no need to ask questions like that.
2000 apperently, died of sexual assault. We're 'spost to (us three that 'contracted' her) meet up again tomorrow and try again. (we got cut short because of what time it was.) e_e I'm gonna show though the lies of who's moving it though, tomorrow, when we meet again. I can weed them out.
But you put the o.o face >_> It speaks for itself Ouiji Board or something. We got a dead girl name Nattalie. It's total BS, I know who moved the pointer, but whatever.
yea, it's not what you're thinking. e_e Shoot, it's late. Why the hell did I stay for the rest of the board thing anyway? e_e
I'm not even gonna sing the lyrics -__-;
Ugh. New song obsession. *fail*
I honestly don't know. I know though my sisters. >_<
Nyroon~? e_e Ugh, ya, I think I'll ask her.
What, you're Rena now? >_< I used it twice, only. It's a me, Razzu...o? e_e I played it when I was like... 9. It's probably my most favorite. We recently got a new copy because idk what happened to our origional. ........... I just noticed how cruel my sisters where to me XD Even though I was totally fine with what they made me do. I used to be their leveling slave XD and I was just happy to be able to play. Ah, those where the days. WTF I'm still not Sai yet. I think I shall PM someone now, I'm tired of waiting.
Whatever .
*le gasp* You obviously don't realize what school it. Is there anyway a classmate could bring you some of the work? At least then you won't fail. :/ Some things don't quite get though -__-; It's not old, it's super old. Not to mention totally wrong timing. Timing could make an old joke funny, or just kill it. Kill it beyond dead. Oops, my bad. Uhh...I'm not fixing the wall. I was doing some messed up thing to call the dead. After weeding out those who couldn't take it seriously, we had three people, me included. I know who moved it. :/ I actually didn't even touch it. HAH, the other two tried to call a good spirit, I was looking for a satanic resentful one. To bad. I wanted to be possessed. Even if it is total BS. THANK YOU! ;~; You agree. Actually, YEA look who's talking. Burnitup, you're pretty hypocritical at times. OMFG IX is awesome~ Chocobo treasure hunting is SO fun, and same with the card game~! Ah damn it. :/
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun~ Let me tell you about a- I know, had a about a ago Sitting in the corner by In a bar is downtown hell something some thing something walked in the door and took an empty next to her at the bar My brand new is parked right outside, how'ed you like to go for a ride? said: wait a minute I have to think He said: that's at leat let me buy you a one turned into 3 or 4 and definatly got into the car AND THEY DROW AWAY SOME PLACE SOME FAR~~~~! Now the time has come, how'd you like to ave a little fun and she said: if we could only be on our way, I would not THATS WHEN THINGS GOT OUT. OF. CONTROL. didn't want to, he has his way, she said let's go, he said NO WAI! Shut you'r mouth we're gonna do it my way, come on now baby don't be afraid, if it wasn't for date raep I'd never get laid DUN DUN DUN DUN~ Finished up, started the car, turned around and drove back to the bar Now don't be sad, in my opinion you wheren't half bad picked up a rock, threw it at the car, hit him in the head and left a big scar Come one now listen to me DATE RAEP STYLEH~~~!!! The next day went to her looked up her local attorunery at law (PHOINEX WRIGHT, LULZ) Picked up the phone anf filed a poliece report then she took the out to court hell the day stood infront of the judge, he screamed: SHE LIES THAT LITTLE SL*T! But the Judge knew he was full of and he gave him 25 years NOW HIS HEART IS FILLED WITH TEARS~! Well back in Jail it was getting late was but raepd by a large And he screamed, but the gaurds payed no attention to his cries~! THAT'S THEN THINGS GOT OUT. OF. CONTROL~~~~!! The moral of the Date Raep story is it does not pay to be drunk and horney, but that' sthe way it had to be, they locked him up and threw away they key Now I can't make a document of this part, even though he now takes it in the bihind DATE RAEP! na nanananana la lalalalala dah dahdahdahdahdah NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH She didn't want to She didn't want to she didn't want to TAKE IT! And thus we learn can be put into any story.
I need sleep now I guess. Night.
Right then.....>>
It's one for one hundred, burny-boy. I'm not the only one.