Your randomness is fun~ BTW, the song lyrics you have in your user title, I like that song ^_^
D: 8D we SO are cool. KAAAAAY!! *huggles* It's okay. ;~; But I missed you.
Hmmm, I drank half of it and it has a ton of sugar by accident, but here ya go! *tries shoving the cup though the screen* D: It's not working?! Pssh, cool kids are losers. 8D WAZZAAAAAAAAP?! And this is why you should be here more ;~;
987 660 We're so far~
Do we amuse you~?
Drink tea? mmmm tea~ XD we're lame. YEAAA!!!
Oh and you have such a great career ahead of you! oh wait, what?! ...oh....I didn't know that... *cough*
987 659
I don't give a damn~ Do you want to be first? Aww, you lucky...ducky? e_e I fail. Lulz, that's me. I have to fix the wall?
Burny-boy: Hmm, does it now? Not if I rip apart every cell in their body for examining~ Mari-dot: Oh look, a person in a box XD ;~;
Dude: sig, name, avi What do these have in common? They are totally different from Mari-dot's
That's totally natural around here~ Pfft, screw that, I'm stuffing someone in a box.
Yay~ I'm Future Sai XD What have you been up to? Very. >_< Ahahah *never said she actually hit the wall yet, only said 'tries it'* *finally hits it* *breaks though it* OH YEAA! wait...crap. XD Emmy? O_o I maybe her twin but I'm still not her.
Been worse, but I've been a lot better, you?
*tackleglomp* 8D Higher~
e_e I remember to much from science classes, and random documentaries and crap like that. *burns the box of tissues* This brings back memories...I think? I wonder if the walls are still bouncy? 8D *tries it* They still creep me out :sideways:
*throws a frying pan at you* Cookie-ness~ *munches on another cookie* >_< I don't like teddy bears, they creep me out for some reason. Any other stuffed animal, or a normal looking bear plushie is fine though. e_e
The kidney doesn't just sit there, it has a job, and 'tubes' in your body transfer stuff around. There are two larger ones (I think) that go into each kidney.