hmm sorry but this code is for Final Mix not pal someonew will haev to port the code to PAL for it to work.........
hmm thnx guys but i got what i needed ^^
hmm kk here: First Slot Weapon Mod: 1204C65C 000000XX Second Slot Weapon Mod: 1204C760 000000XX Third Slot Weapon Mod: 1204C864 000000XX Fourth Slot Weapon Mod(?): 1204C968 000000XX
They are on the first page ^^
Weapon Mod has already been hacked..... hmm yup weapon replacement mod is needed but i think they can be only hacked through Rom hack and then have to be made into a code so yea oh and wepaon mod for roxas has already been hacked -_- the slots are in whatever slot he is......
Well no but there r event flags which cover them since when u use it in worlds you go into a boss fight so yea
yeah i think he means that if yea then here it is: Slot 1 Wepaon Mod(Roxas will weild Woodedn Stick when playing as him): 0204CA90 00000030
Not possible.......
u meadn final form in normal soras clothes....??
hmm all throught the modes.....?? what does that mean......... ^^"
hmm really when wsa the code released....??
oh lol thnx for the idea KH ^^
thanx ^^..
lol yea sure here :
I would but i cant find it on Adobe can u send me the link if its not too much ^^"
hmm try to change your Master Code and then insert the codes again............
well which code r these and these cant b converted to PAL they have to be ported to PAL region
Thats because that is the NTSC UC version PAL version hasnt been ported yet......
ea7u-ubfz-gp8q7 qcxq-a2ew-tx5h5 trvr-5wtn-z3pkt
^^ thnx but i heard that with delta maker most of the porting go wrong