yup exactly....
hey well Camtasia Studio 6 but recently my records audio come a lil weird you must have saw in my vid for moveset right.......
For Final Mix yes for NTSC not ported
lol actually no ill repost this :P :
lol well this is the moveset mod but with jokers that when you go into a mission it actiavtes and when you end a mission it automatically deactivates so yea :) btw it does work on EMU proof : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Han-DTl0iy0 :P well i tried the code on Emu but i replaces the coeds formta from Codebreaker to AR DS and the code still works fine i wonder what the problem is then............
lol well yea ofcourse i know you made them Sora and i meant that i didnt knew you had KHFM so thats why i asked you ^^" :P yea there is but for NTSC/UC not for Final Mix
well as for now no it does i tried it myself yup i wished it was like Final Mix myself :(
kk thnx i will :) btw can you help me on one thing ill PM you.......
Hey :) yea sure which Emuhaste do you have capture the screen and tell me........
Hey JL Sup :)
and to tell u the truth i really want to port that Weapon Replacement Mod from J to NTSC :(
lol kk good luck :)
its already ported EDIT:Sigh guys i made this vid of using Moveset of Lexaeus and playing as Roxas in Mission Mode but this Mod also works in Story mod i tried it as for the code that i used it this: 120B2D3F 0000656C 120B2D26 0000656C and the videos is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Han-DTl0iy0
Thnx Evil i wanted to know this for so long but nw you finally told me :) umm yea that screen shot was posted by me well that code is different as you may say cause i replaced Soras model with Rikus model and thats when this pic was taken and as for your Question well all of the codes of PS2 are possible on Emu except some like Full Part code and Sora Alone code and etc. well the catch is that you activate the code and then change areas then the code works also you have to connect your Emuhaste to the PCSX2 Version you are using like i use version : 0.9.6 so yea ...........
np anytime :) well yea If you giuve sora final forms moveset all his forms will also get Final's Moveset and as for for Anti can use RC here : Anti Form Use Reaction Commands(replaces Final from) 11CE0B78 00000059 Side Note: Since you replaced Final with Anti right now if you want Anti can also use another Keyblade by using this Code: Anti Form Second Keyblade Oath Keeper 1032EF3C 0000002A and also now Anti can Jump High and also Glide :)
did you ported those codes...?? :S
thnx oh and here are the shorter version of Character Mods :) First Slot: 2204C65B 000000?? Second Slot: 2204C75F 000000?? Third Slot: 2204C863 000000?? Digits: XX - Effect 00 - Roxas 01 - Axel 02 - Xigbar 03 - Saix 04 - Xaldin 05 - Sora 06 - Demyx 07 - Larxene 08 - Lexaeus 09 - Luxord 0A - Marluxia 0B - Riku 0C - Vexen 0D - Xemnas 0E - Xion 0F - Zexion 10 - Mickey 11 - Donald 12 - Goofy 13 - Hooded Roxas - Dual Wield 14 - Hooded Roxas - Single Wield (only works if used mid-mission, else crash) 15 - Hooded Xion 16+ - Crash? Quote: Originally Posted by NeoCloudstrife There are NO playable TWTNW room files for any character APART from roxas. This means that trying to use the character mod while loading up or after a mission finishes will ultimately lead your game to crash. oh and yea ill be porting the weapon mod also so stay tuned :P XD well yea sure but sometime later since i have to study right nw for my Test tomorrow XD
hmm strange they do work with me hmm wait try using this one: 9204BD84 00000002 120B2D3F 0000656C 120B2D26 0000656C D0000000 00000000 9204BD84 00000080 120B2D3F 00000000 120B2D26 00000000 D0000000 00000000 and tell me what happenes.........
hmm well yup code master have it but thats for PS2 since DS games and other consoles game dont have ELF files so yea :) and well i was able to...
Nice good work Mike :)