Playing the latest Nancy Drew game and talking to my friend on the phone. You?
I just used GIMP. Resized a few stocks, sharpened, fiddled around with layers, colors, grandients, and opacity. I'm glad you liked them. ^^ xDD
I've never actually read them. ._.
Really? xD Here are the other ones.
Ooo, what kind? I heard Chicken Noodle is good for the soul. :] lol, horrible reference to a Christian book. xDD
I want my dang pizza. I'll put the ones that I just made on my photobucket account and give you the links in a few seconds.
Yayness! xDD I'm hungry.
I've been creating avatars left and right...I think I made fifteen in less than an half an hour last night. xD I just created a few right now.
Yay! 8D/fillerz
xDD I think I changed my avatar about ten times today.
You're afraid of me? ;-; *cries*
Truer words have never been spoken. xD
I was actually going to say those exact words. That's kind of creepy. xD
..Dang it; you figured it out! *flees to Venezuela*
xDD Should I say something else?
...That I like him...? xD
Basically what I was going to say last week minus the part about my friend.
Well, it's true. xDD Bah, I wish it was Sunday so I can get it over with.
I want to change my mood to nervous. >: