I just left her a note. xDD Yeah, I guess. I just hope I don't scare him off. ._.
Why isn't there a 'nervous' option for the moods? I seriously need it at the moment. xDD ANYWAYS. Hello. How are you?
*sigh* Where's CtR when you need her? xD Yeah, I know; I'm just nervous about what he's going to say.
Right...breathe...okay. *Takes in deep breath...then lets it out* I'm so nervous. xD WHY DON'T THEY HAVE THAT FOR A MOOD?! >:
In a hour in a hour in a hour in a hour in a hour.... ._. HELP ME! xD
Don't worry, I'll tell you everything that happens. xD
Ah; I haven't rp'd in a long time. ._. I have to get off soon; it's almost 11. Edit: Scratch that, it is 11.
Yay. xD ...I'm bored.
It's so awesome. ...yeah, I just ruined it. xD I tend to do that a lot.
Hey, it's working! I'M ALIVE! 8D
...how do you do that again? xD
Tomorrow. ._.
It's fuuuuuuuun~
You should play it. ^^
There's this one part that was a little bit surprising, but that's it.
Taken from the website: Somewhere beyond the bright piazzas and open markets of the Venice Carnevale lurks a masked thief. Despite months of...
You should play Phantom of Venice; it was fun. :D
It creeped me out the first time I played it. Let me tell you, the newer one is A LOT creepier. I guess what makes it so creepy is that the...
Yeah, that was the one. xD
Was it Curse of Blackmoor Manor? I loved that one. xD